The Abduction

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Warning: Mature Language and Themes


Meerab woke up in a soft, bouncy, round shaped bed. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking several times, adjusting to her surroundings. Feeling cool air brush the upper part of her body, she came to realise that she was half naked. She was dressed in only a set of lacy pink bra and panties. Silken black sheets were wrapped around the lower half of her body. She then came to realise this bed was definitely not hers.

Where am I? She sat upright suddenly and pressed her hands to the sides of her head, massaging her throbbing temples. Argh. Fucking hell! Did Haya push me down a flight of stairs again?! She vigorously rubbed her head, messing up her hair further.

"I should say good morning to you properly, now that you've gained consciousness. Good Morning and welcome to my Nawabshah haveli Meerab."

Shit! It was the unmistakable deep voice of Murtasim. Meerab quickly yanked the sheets that were bunched around her waist all the way up to her neck for coverage. Why the hell were they in Nawabshah? Just how many properties did he own? Murtasim revealed himself from the far corner of the room dressed in an all black suit. He looked the same as always. Handsome. Dangerous. Egoistical.

"Murtasim," Meerab said trying to sound calm, but failing. And how could she stay calm, when he was lurking towards her like a dangerous lion, her laying in an unfamiliar bed half naked and with no memory of what happened? She raised her voice and tried again "What the fuck is all this?!?"

Murtasim came to a halt beside the bed. "Well I wish I could respond with saying I'm about to fulfil my promise of being a loving husband and I'm going to properly make you my wife," he responded smoothly "But unfortunately I'm here fulfilling my duty. Of making sure you don't disrupt Naurez and Maryam's wedding functions."

"So you fucking kidnapped me for that?! Well you can kiss that duty goodbye. I'm still going to find a way to stop that wedding!" retorted Meerab.

Bending his tall frame Murtasim leaned closer to her face. "Not if I interfere first," he said with his infamous smirk. He looked hot. Yet scary.

Meerab gulped as she followed his eyesight which was tracing the contours of her curvy body. Her hands gripped the sheet tighter. "Don't you dare Murtasim!" she hissed.

"Kyun, dekh bhi nahi sakta?" he said with mirth dancing in his eyes.

"Dammit Murtasim! Stop being horny. Just return me back home to Hyderabad and I assure you no one will ever know about this. If Maa Begum finds out about your kidnapping stunt she'll have your head!"

"She won't. She doesn't care about us missing the wedding. She was very happy to send us on our belated honeymoon," he said with a wink. "You know how much she wants her grandchildren. Besides, why would I go to the trouble of bringing you here just to return you home? Do you have any idea how hard it was to get you out of the house without my own men suspecting me of being a wife abuser? Bakhtu and Fakru kept asking suspiciously why you needed to be taken for travel while you were not awake."

How stupid of me to think Maa Begum wouldn't be involved in this damn thing too! A girl can't trust anyone these days. "Ok. Fine. Maa Beugm is a lying, cheating backstabber. We kinda knew that already. But Murtasim, where the hell are my clothes!?"

Fear gripped her heart when Murtasim averted his gaze at the question. Don't panic. Don't panic. "Oh my God, what have you done to me?" she whispered unable to mask the tremble in her voice.

"I took off your clothes when I laid you on the bed. They were wet and muddy. I tripped and dropped you on the wet grass outside when I was carrying you in here."

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