The Exhibition

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They left Nawabshah that very night. Meerab had no idea why Murtasim decided to cut short their stay when only a few hours ago Murtasim was doing everything in his power to keep Meerab away from Hyderabad until Maryam's wedding wasn't over. Murtasim was oddly quiet too, after Meerab's outburst in the dining hall.

As they drove back in tense silence in the dark night Murtasim contemplated dismally recalling Meerab's words: her anxieties, fear, hurt and mistrust. He should've known better that her trust issues were not fully healed. No wonder she didn't comprehend the situation the same way he did. No wonder she kept denying his love for her and her feelings for him. He should've known better. He was entirely at fault. He should've talked to her properly about what she was feeling much earlier.

He was also guilty. He should've done more to ensure her boundaries were met. He had not realised how much his lack of care regarding Haya had hurt Meerab. He wanted Meerab all to himself and would tear out the tongue of any man who dared take Meerab's name apart from himself..then how did he not realise Meerab would also expect the same about him? Murtasim had been far too frank with regards to Haya. He promised to do better. He promised he would show more trust in Meerab too.

Truth is Meerab had always put up a barrier of refined strength and determination and that caused Murtasim to overlook the fact that under the front she had put up she still had a delicate, sensitive and tender heart. In his eagerness to consummate their marraige he hadn't paid attention to how Meerab would be interpreting his actions. No wonder she thought he only lusted after her.

"I don't love you just because you happen to be my wife," said Murtasim, finally breaking the tense silence.

Meerab didn't know how to respond. She looked over at Murtasim, who looked back at her with a heated gaze.

"I love you for who you are Meerab. Now that I look back, I think I've always liked you. Even when we were children. I always admired your courage and your spark. But my ego never allowed me to tap into those feelings. I've always been intrigued by you even when we used to bicker and claim to hate each other. That's why I've always been possessive of you. That's why I got triggered when Rohail tried to stop me from taking you from that stupid birthday party. That's why I said to yes your contract. Because I wanted you to be bound to me, even if it meant it wouldn't be a normal marraige. I've always loved you; I only realised it after marriage.. Believe me when I say if I was married to anyone else I would not have the same feelings for them as I do for you."

Meerab mulled over his words silently.

"I don't just desire you Meerab. I love you just as strongly as I desire you. It's always been that way from the start. My feelings for you are pure. I just wanted you to know that."

Meerab's eyes watered and she couldn't help but shed a tear. He did love me after all! He didn't just want my body. I wasn't a mere placeholder in his life. Murtasim smiled softly at her. Keeping one hand firm on the steering wheel, he freed his other hand to wipe away her tear. He didn't want to see her cry anymore. Especially not because of him. She'd cried enough.

Murtasim turned his attention back to the road and this time they drove in a more comfortable silence.

Meerab felt tongue-tied due to emotion. This is what she had always wanted; Murtasim's assurance. The truth was… she was tired. Tired of living in her self-made lies. Tired of waking up every morning trying to convince herself that she didn't want Murtasim, only to end up thinking about him all day long, and dreaming about him all night long. Tired of having to battle with her reactions every time he touched her. How much longer could she rebel against what was always there in her heart?

In her anger, she had also accused him of being lecherous. She bit hard on the soft flesh of her lower lip, deep in thought. How can I ask for his hand to hold again? For his touch? When I stupidly insulted it…!  Meerab decided once the Maryam issue was dealt with, she would work on confessing her feelings to Murtasim and getting rid of that damn contract once and for all.

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