Damon (26)

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"I want to introduce you to one of my friends."

"Alright," Damon replied immediately, offering Sage a sweet smile. "When and where?"

Sage giggled from his place on Damon's lap, dick buried in him. Damon had been extra careful to provide Sage all the comfort he wanted- if Sage asked, Damon would have stolen the stars from the sky for him.

"The Pleasure classroom. He's the class pet in there. Do you know him?"

"Sure I do," Damon replied, arms snaking around Sage in a tight hug. "Arthur?"

"Yeah!" Sage beamed.

"I'm surprised you two are friends. He's a shy little thing," Damon recalled, "He's always blushing and stammering. Mrs. Cot is very gentle with him."

Sage nodded rapidly, "Arthur's the sweetest. He actually started out as the class pet in the punishment classroom, but always had such severe subdrop by the end of the day they finally figured out it would be better to have a masochist in that room. It's why Ben's in there. He lives off of that shit. You should meet him too!"

"I have met them, you know," Damon said in amusement, "You'd only need to introduce me as a friend."

Sage kissed him sweetly and ground down on him, releasing a soft sigh of contentment. "I can do that. Let's go."


Sage moaned a little as he lifted off, tugging on his bottoms swiftly. "Yeah! It's lunch, Arthur and Ben will be eating too."


As Damon followed his boy, he found himself thinking idly about how Sage managed to jump from one thing straight into another. It almost gave him whiplash how fast his mind changed.

Sage proudly took his hand, snuggling into his side sweetly. "I texted them to meet us in the Pleasure classroom."

"Alright," Damon smiled. "I'm excited to meet them. I bet they're wonderful."

"They are!" Sage gushed as they arrived.

Mrs. Cot's eyebrow raised when Sage entered without knocking, her hand stroking Arthur's hair sweetly. "Damn it, Sage, don't you ever knock?"

"Sorry ma'am," Arthur said softly, "He texted me instead."

Arthur was a small guy, soft and fluffy cotton candy blue hair dancing around his head as if full of static with soft brown eyes and a shy smile. He, unlike the other class pets, was firmly in a relationship with the teacher of the Pleasure classroom, and had his eyes focused adoringly on her.

"Amy!" Sage cheered pleasantly.

"I'm Mrs. Cot to you," she said sternly before rolling her eyes fondly. "Come join us. Damon, right?"

"Yeah," Damon said with a bit of a grin. "Heads up, Ben from Punishment is coming too."

"Pet, you need to tell me these things," she scolded Arthur.

"Sage texted me, you know I don't check my messages," Arthur protested.

Sage skipped closer in, taking on look on the hard floor and decided to take his chances with Mrs. Cot by sitting at a desk. She let it slide.

"He wanted to introduce me to his friends," Damon explained apologetically, "Sage has been having a...difficult few days."

Arthur tapped Amy's knee. She nodded, turning to Damon as he slipped off towards Sage and they made their way to the back room. "Arthur too. He...he's very sensitive. Wouldn't hurt a fly, cried when I used my stern voice on him. He's been so jumpy these past few days. Super paranoid."

"I wonder why," Damon said with a frown.

"The only people who know are the pets themselves and maybe Mr. Rain," Amy said with a frown. "Arthur won't tell me. I even threatened to take him over my knee and he wouldn't. Usually that cracks the case."

"Sage goes pale whenever I ask," Damon frowned, "Sometimes he gets...inconsolable. I feel so helpless when he's sitting there, shaking and crying."

"All we can do sometimes," Amy said gently, "Is support them and make sure they feel safe. They'll tell us eventually."

"Yeah," Damon murmured, watching the pets laugh over something through the open door. "I sure hope you're right."

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