Damon (6)

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"Mm, thanks for the chocolate," Sage said happily, finishing a bar of dark chocolate Damon had retrieved from the kitchen. Sage was lounging at Damon's feet happily, resting his head in his lap. Damon had joined the aftercare group with Mr. Rain's approval, and was currently petting his hair soothingly. 

"Of course, sunshine," he smiled. A girl returned with some popcorn. 

Sage grinned up at her. "Hey Emma! Wanna join the cuddles?"

Emma smiled, "Sure, Sage. Anything interesting happen to you today?"

"If you can call Damon interesting, yes," he said playfully. 

Damon nearly spat out the water he was drinking. "What?"

"Ooh, tea," Emma said instantly, grinning. "Spill."


"Say anything and I swear I'll dump my ice over your head."

Sage looked up cockily. "Oh yeah? And risk an F for the class about cuddles and snacks?"

Damon debated it. Then he groaned. "Fine, tell her. I'm going to grab another water, would you like one too, pet?"

Sage shook his head, smiling up at him before turning back to Emma and telling her about what happened. They were close friends, and Sage loved talking her ear off any chance he got. 

"He whooped your ass with his belt? Damn," Emma looked impressed. "Didn't it hurt?"

He gestured to himself with a straight face. "Masochist." He gestured in Damon's vague direction, "Sadist."

"How do you know he's a sadist and doesn't just have a crush on you?"

He shrugged. "He offered to use the belt."

Damon returned, eyeing Emma wearily. 

Emma grinned. "You're going to have to teach me how to use the belt on a sub, that sounds like a blast."

"Careful with using a belt. It's definitely on some people's limit lists," Sage said, finishing the popcorn. He curled up a bit, cuddling Emma. "I can't take any past twenty, it'd make me go into subdrop."

Damon nodded in agreement, joining the cuddle mound. "We were just playing. I'd teach you with Sage as an example, but his poor ass would probably bruise even worse-"

"I'll have you know I like it bruised," Sage said primly. 

Damon snorted. 

Emma grinned. "I ship it."

"Ship us all you want, we're fuckbuddies and fuckbuddies only," Damon stuck his tongue out. 

Sage pouted. Damon wondered for a moment if he said something wrong, worry building in his chest as he looked at the smaller boy worriedly. "I mean-"

"Fuckfriends sounds nicer," Sage interrupted. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You meant something, darling?" he purred. 

Damon went red and cursed the brat's ass. "No," he said gruffly, crossing his arms and looking away. 


"Keep it up and I'll-"

"No threatening the subs during aftercare," a teacher scolded, approaching. She recognized Sage immediately. "...not even the brats."

"Oh come on," Sage complained, "You ruined my taunting."

"Sure I did," the teacher rolled her eyes. 

Damon recognized the teacher as Mrs. Rain, the wife to Sage's best friend. He knew Sage and Mr. Rain would argue for the fun of it, but he had been unsure of how the strict teacher would interact with Sage. He was pretty sure he could guess who the dom was in the relationship- and it was certainly not Mr. Rain. 

"Sorry, Mrs. Rain," he said easily, stuffing chocolate into Sage's mouth so he would shut up. 

Mrs. Rain tutted and walked away. 

"With all due respect, my favorite fuckfriend," Sage said pleasantly, swallowing his chocolate. "You officially owe me kisses and cuddles."

Emma snickered. 

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