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E P I S O D E  4 0 [√]p a g e  f o r t y  :  F U Y U - K A I  !

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E P I S O D E 4 0 [√]
p a g e f o r t y : F U Y U - K A I !

"if none of you will speak, both of you will be suspended for a week."

and having experienced more hassling and nerve-wracking situations in life as a delinquent, a week of suspension honestly sounded more tempting even though it shouldn't be.

draken and chifuyu sat face to face with each other in front of the headmaster's desk, glaring at one another ; unfazed by the headmaster's words.

the headmaster sighs exasperatedly, "you would've only had three days, but both of you have records and, as far as i can see it, it has a massive deduction to your conduct. please don't bring your delinquency to our school." the headmaster ends in a pleading manner, rubbing his forehead with his thumb.

"i will contact your parents regarding the suspension. but it is highly convenient if you tell them about it first."

chifuyu mentally swears, shutting his eyes tightly and only in that moment did he feel his nerves shake. his mom's already mad at him as it is. it's also the first day of the week. draken here didn't seem to be one bit bothered ; fuck him for having parents working abroad.

"do i have to contact them right now or you two will be the ones to tell them after i dismiss you?"

much to his thinning patience, none of the two spoke.

"what about you over there?" the headmaster cranes his neck, peeking at the line of students which he gave a blank paper to write a report about what had happened.

mitsuya was the first to finish, walking over to hand the paper back to the principal. the headmaster skims between the lines, slowly frowning at registering each sentence the student wrote. he opens his mouth to speak, but he sighed instead, "alright. either way, you'll be getting a suspension."

the others soon came forward and handed in the reports, "you may leave now. your suspension starts tomorrow. ryuguji, matsuno. please inform your parents before i do." the headmaster reminds before he order them to leave.

chifuyu grunts while draken went ahead with no words.

none of them spoke when they stepped out of the office. all of them are hungry as fuck ; they didn't get to eat the lunch hakkai got for them and they could only hope that the guy wrapped it up for them while they were rotting in the office.

"what did you write in there?" baji perks at the question, sparing draken a glance before he began humming thoughtfully.

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