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"Can we go to the beach today?" Sophie asked when I sat next to her on the couch. I looked at her and she was smiling. I laughed.


"YAY!" Blaine walked in as she cheered.

"What are we yaying?"

"Dad said we can go to the beach."

"Oh. Okay." I looked at him. He looked a little upset. Why? I don't know.

"Daddy and I going to get into our suits. Wanna get into yours?"


"If you need help, just come tell us."

"Okay." She ran upstairs and I motioned him to follow me. I shut the bedroom door and grabbed his arm.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I gave him a look that showed all my thoughts. I didn't believe him for one second.

"Babe. You gonna keep lying? We're literally getting married soon." He sighed and took his shirt off. I looked at his scar.

"This is sexy. Let's just show the whole world all of my flaws." I sighed.

"No one's gonna care. I know you notice more because it's on you but no one else will. Or at least they won't really care. I mean, I actually do think it's sexy." He laughed. "Seriously! Scars are sexy. Shows you're a tough individual. Battle wounds. Not like you're weak. You know what I mean?" He nodded. "Don't be ashamed."

"Okay." I went to the dresser and pulled my bathing suit out. "Is that why our sex life has been more... active." I turned and started laughing.

"No!" He laughed back, walking over and kissing me. "It's because I love you more and more every day."

"Good. I love you more and more every day too."

"Good." We both got into our suits before heading back upstairs. Sophie was walking down from her room, bathing suit on but untied.

"I need help." She said, turning. I leaned down and tied the back of her suit.

"You ready?" I asked when I was done.

"YEAH!" She said, jumping around. I grabbed our beach bag and we got in the car, driving to the beach.

Of course, being a dad, I had to slather her in sunscreen. She was not happy though. She wanted to go straight in the water.


"Listen- you aren't swimming until you let me do this. So either cooperate or don't swim." She furrowed her brows then put her arms straight out to the side. I sprayed every part of exposed skin before grabbing the bottle and putting some on my hands. I put it on her face which made her even more unhappy. She scrunched her face up. Blaine was trying not to laugh which was making me mad.

"Stop" I mouthed to him.

"What?" He mouthed back.

"You're being immature." He rolled his eyes then smiled, looking behind me.

"Carole!" Sophie gasped and opened her eyes.

"GRAMA!" She ran over to her.

"You have sunscreen on your face." She said, rubbing it in. Of course she'll let her rub it in.

"Come on! Let's swim!"

"Okay. Hold on." She walked over, setting her things down.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey!" I said. I got up and hugged her. Blaine walked over and hugged her too.

"Want us to wait for you?"

"It's okay. Blaines waiting for cooper so if you're okay watching her in the water, I'll stay with him."

"Okay!" She had a suit on with only shorts on top. She took them off and headed to the water with Sophie. I took my shirt off and laid on my towel. Blaine just stood, his hands over his stomach.

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded. I rolled my eyes because he was lying again. Nothing I can do about it so I just pulled my book out and read. Cooper arrived soon enough. He took his shirt off and threw it on me.

"Coop. Seriously?"

"Oh sorry. Didn't see you there." I stood and rolled my eyes. "Come on Blaine! Take your shirt off. Let's go swim." He looked around.

"I think I'm just gonna sit here. You two should go."

"Blaine... remember what I said." He sighed and started taking his shirt off. He lifted it a little and of course cooper had to make things difficult.

"Ewww! Gross scar. Naaasty." He dropped it, putting his hands back across his stomach.

"That's it! I'm staying!"

"COOPER!" I yelled, smacking his arm. "Apologize. Idiot..."

"Blaine. I was joking. Come on."


"You know you're like the strongest person I know. I'm not the police officer. You are! That scar proves you're stronger than all of us." Blaine sighed. "Now come on. Let's go have fun." He turned and took his shirt off. Then he started running.

"RACE YOU!" Cooper gasped, running after him. I laughed and walked to the water.

Cooper and Blaine were now fighting in the water. Brothers... Too rough. I don't like it. Glad I never had a brother.

I stayed out of their way. Watching from afar. Carole and Sophie were more shallow. We were in the deeper water so they wouldn't get injured fighting. I turned to look at Sophie and Carole which was a mistake. Before I knew it, I was being pushed under the water. I came up and furrowed my brows.


"Uh oh..." Cooper said, walking up to us. I ran my hands through my hair.

"I will ground you." He laughed.

"Ground me? What are you gonna do? Take my phone." I just stared at him for a second before he gasped. "You wouldn't..."

"I would."

"He can't ground me." Cooper said, walking over.

"Cooper! No, don't!" I stared backing up. Then he jumped on me, pushing me under. I came up from the water, looking at Blaine. He was laughing but stopped when I looked over. Cooper tried to grab me again. "I'll still ground Blaine if you don't stop."

"COOPER! STOP!" He rolled his eyes.

"You're so not fun."

"Sorry I never grew up with a brother so don't like being drowned."

"Well, now you do have a brother. So deal with it." I smiled.


"Shut up..."

"You think of me as your brother?"


"You love me!"

"No I dont."

"You can't take it back!" Blaine laughed. I could tell he enjoyed his brother thinking of me as real family now.

"I'm gonna go hang with Sophie." He said, walking away. Blaine walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around him too.

"I'm excited to get married."

"Not just a party to you anymore." He rolled his eyes and we both laughed.

We got home and all rinsed off. When we met back in the living room, Sophie looked happy. I could tell she had fun without her telling me.

"I enjoyed hanging out with grama and uncle cooper! We should do that more often." I nodded.

"I think so too!" She sighed and flopped back on the couch.

"Can we watch tv now?" I laughed and grabbed the remote, turning the tv on.

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