Drew Starkey; Below the Belly Button

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You were trying to find Drew. The director had just wrapped the day and Drew was supposed to meet you at your trailer. When you walked over there, he wasn't there. So you decided to go to food station, although all that was set out were snacks at this time of day. He wasn't there either.

Then you got a text.
Drew❤️: I'm in wardrobe. They wanted me to try something on.

You didn't reply, you just walked over to the wardrobe trailer.
You stepped inside.

A woman was working on making his shirt look worn for the filming in the morning

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A woman was working on making his shirt look worn for the filming in the morning. But she had pulled it up so it exposed the area of his stomach below his belly button. He knew this was a spot that you rather enjoyed seeing.

Who were you kidding it totally turned you on. He caught you looking and gave you a little side eye. Like, "I caught you looking."

You: "Hey."
Through his mask you could tell he was biting his lip.

What was this man doing to you? He can't look like that and expect you not to just melt into a puddle.

Drew: "Hey, Baby. I'll be done in a minute."
You sit down on one of the stools in the room.
You: "Take your time. I'm in no rush." You wink at him.

He just shakes his head.

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