Zachary Levi; Get Out

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You and Zach had been married for eight years. He was the love of your life. You could never figure out  why he loved you the way he did, but you were thankful for it. He was your everything.

You two had three children together and they weren't perfect, but you loved them with your entire heart.

Your seven year old: Caleb Griffin

Your four year old: Piper Jane or PJ

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Your four year old: Piper Jane or PJ.

Your two year old: Madelyn Justine or Maddie

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Your two year old: Madelyn Justine or Maddie

In other words, you were very happy and you thought Zach was too

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In other words, you were very happy and you thought Zach was too.... Until you heard something suspicious.

Zach was gone for long periods of time every now and then when he was filming. He was currently away and you were taking on your super mom role. You were wizzing the kids everywhere and trying to keep the house clean.

Zach was coming home in about a week and you couldn't be more excited. The kids were pretty jazzed as well.

You had just dropped your oldest two off at school and were walking around the supermarket with Maddie. You were strolling along when Maddie happily exclaim, "Daddy!"
She was pointing at a magazine. A tabloid to be exact. It was a picture of Zach and another woman hugging outside of what looked like a cafe. Your face went red. What? What was this all about? Was this going to be the beginning of the end?

Just then your phone rang, it was Zach's manager.
You: "Hello?"
Jason: "Hey Y/N. Have you seen the latest tabloid?"
You: "Funny you should mention that. I'm holding one right now."
Jason: "Well, Zach doesn't know about it yet because he's currently filming, but I wanted to give you a call to explain."
You: "Ok?"
Jason: "Well Zach went out with the cast a few days ago and a long time friend of his, the woman in the photo, happened to be in the cafe. She ran up and hugged him before he had a chance to speak to her. The paparazzi were everywhere and unfortunately the press is constructing their own agenda with the picture."
You were feeling a little better about the situation.
You: "Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know."
Jason: "I'm sure Zach will want to call you when he hears, but I wanted you to know before it gets out of hand or you made your own conclusion."
You: "Thanks. I appreciate you clearing the air."
Jason: "No problem. Have a good day."
You: "You too, Jason."

You finished your shopping thankful that Jason had Zach's back through everything. You were sure his publicist was going to be all over getting a clarifying statement out.

It wasn't until you had all the kids in bed that Zach called you.
Zach: "Hey, Baby!"
You: "Hey."
Zach: "So, Jason told me he called you earlier. Are you ok?"
You: "I'm fine. Are you?"
Zach: "A little stressed about it all. I know what the truth is and so does my team and anyone present at the event, but now everyone is thinking I've cheated on you or am going to, which is completely false."
You smile.
You: "I know. I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this."
Zach: "Me too. I wish you were here."
You sigh.
You: "Me too."
Zach: "I know I'll be home in a week, but I need you Baby. Can I fly you out for the last few days of shooting, please?"
You: "I don't know, Zach. What about the kids?"
Zach: "I'm sure your sister could come last minute."
You: "If you can convince her, you've got a deal."
Zach: "Yes!"

Time Skip
You were laying in the hotel bed with Zach cuddled in your arms. It felt so good to be with him again. You missed him, everything about him. He was home to you. It was 10 pm and you were both exhausted. You were just drifting to sleep when someone knocked on your door.

You stirred to go see who it was but Zach insisted to check.
Zach kisses your cheek.
Zach: "I'll get it, Honey."
You watch as he throws a shirt on and goes to the door.
He opens it.

Woman: "Well, well, well

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Woman: "Well, well, well. I believe someone ordered room service."
You jolted up.
Zach: "Ummm, Susan, I think you need to go home. What are you doing here? Better question how did you find my room?"
Susan walks into the room in a robe. She doesn't even notice you're there and strips the robe off to reveal that she isn't wearing anything.
Zach looks away.
Zach: "Woah! Put that back on..Get out of my room!...Honey, call hotel security."
You reach for the phone in shear shock.
This was the same woman from the picture. Was Zach cheating or being stalked?

Susan: "Come on Zach, you know you want me."
Zach: "No! You are a creepy stalker woman, naked in my hotel room. Get out!"
Susan tries to go toward the bed, but just then a few security guards enter the room.

They take Susan out of the room and call police.

Time Skip
You and Zach are wide awake. It's almost 3 am.
Zach: "Honey, I hope you know that I never invited that woman to my room. Actually, I never even told her where I was staying."
You turn to face him.
Tears were in his eyes.
You kiss his nose.
You: "I know."
Requested by _NRobin_

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