|| The Cave ||

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Warning: extremely poor writing, angst?, super cringe


Owen wakes up in the cave with the spike thats coated with the greaver poison (maze monster). The bright cold and evil orange color fades from his eyes back to a dark chocolate brown.

Owen looks around but his vision is blurry. He sees something in front of him, his eyes focus on it and a wave of horror rushes over him. Rasbi is caught in a spike trap, the spikes piercing all the way through her legs covered in blood. The same exact spike currently stuck in Owens shoulder is the same one as the spikes in the trap Rasbi is in. (Told you there was bad writing)

Owen quickly gets up and tries to take a step towards his friend but immediately stumbles from his body trying to still stop the bleeding caused by the spike wound (this man Is immune to the poison I swear). Owen crawls over to Rasbi, at this moment Owen is having to many different emotions all at once.

The voices are yelling at him telling him that he did this to Her and that it's His fault that she's dead and that he's a monster and a murderer, while some of the other voices are sad and crying over Rasbi's death. With evey word the voices say the louder they get in his head. But Owen tunes them out, the only thing Owen can focus on is Rasbi. Owen manages to get Rasbi out of the trap and tries to bandage the wounds from the spikes.

As Owen is bandaging one of Rasbi's wounds, a flower grows from one of them. Owen didn't know why his body produced a flower without thinking, but this was the first time in Owens life that his body was able to grow and produce a healthy living flower, for the first time one of his flowers didn't immediately die (yes, he can do this, there are very few humans that have the ability to grow flowers from their body's, they are known as growlings, I got the idea from a video I saw a while ago). But the reason why this flower was alive and healthy ended up breaking Owen on the inside.

The reason why this flower was so healthy was because it had "drank" (can flowers drink blood? Like they do water? Oh well, they can here for plot reasons. Would that be the right term?) the blood from Rasbi's wound. The flower was a rose, the pedals were a bright red, the same color as Rasbi's eyes, they faded to a snowy white at the tips, just like Rasbi's hair. The thorns closest to the pedals were sharp enough to pierce skin and draw blood, but the thorns the least closest to the top of the flower were dull and soft incapable of hurting someone.

When Owen realized this tears started to form, he began to cry over the body of his best friend, the person he cared about the most, the person he would of died for, the person he would of thrown his life away to protect (yes this is cringe, I know and I'm sorry).

The voices kept on saying "she's dead you killed her, she's dead, she's dead, SHES DEAD, SHES DEAD!" Owen refused to listen to the countless voices in his head trying to believe and hope that she was still alive. Owen couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face at this point, his hands covered in the blood of someone that he apparently had killed.

Then in what felt like a split second, someone jumps down the hole, and right above the trap, catches themselves before they can get hurt.

The person jumps down avoiding the trap and says, "Owen, whats going on?... why are you crying?...what is all this?", Owen had known this voice, it was Kyle's voice, Owen freezes. Kyle walks towards Owen and than is shocked at what he sees. "Owen... what d-did you do..." Kyle says sounding like a slightly broken record. Owen slowly turns his head around to meet Kyle's gaze, Owens eyes are full of fear and sadness, the tears don't stop as he holds Rasbi closer to him.

Kyle's body starts to slightly shake as he sees Owens hands covered in blood and Rasbi having multiple leg wounds. Kyle backs away realizing that Owen was the one who killed Rasbi. "How could you kill her..." Kyle says, his eyes are full of fear and betrayal at the sight of the recently deceased clearing member.

Owen realized what Kyle was thinking, "Kyle. Please don't-", Kyle climbs out the way he came as fast as he could to tell the others about what he saw. Owen wants to chase after Kyle but is unable to move his legs. Owen looks back at Rasbi, he hugs her tightly and says "I'm so sorry Rasbi...I don't know why I did this to you...please Rasbi come back, I'm sorry..."

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