|| Krow's visit ||

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Disclaimer: Description of blood, bad writing.
Note: Two parts in one day! I did add images to each part for an idea of the settings.

In the prison cell

*Krow enters the cell*

"I hope your happy Owen... because of you Rasbi is dead." Krow says at it closes the cell door in a kinda sarcastic tone

*Krow walks over to Owen and punches him, Owen is knocked down to the ground from Krow's punch*

"You know I've been trying my best not to kill you Owen... but I guess old habits die hard, ...you of all people should know that." Krow says as it looks down at Owen who was on the floor now with blood coming out his mouth.
(Told you there was gonna be bad writing)

"Aren't you gonna get up and kill me now?...Oh come on Owen we've read your little diary and we know all about the stuff you were planning on doing, we even know about how you killed Apo, Guts, and even how you kept those notes on me, not gonna lie, it seemed like you knew what you were doing..." Krow says kneeling down (I honestly don't know how to word it sorry)

"after all...when we first met you asked if I was a fighter, and now you have your answer." Krow says kneeling over Owen "I am a fighter Owen, and I will kill you if you come after me." Krow says as it gets up and puts its foot on Owen's head (sorry the writings bad). Owen doesn't react to Krow. "Your no fun Owen, guess I'll see ya later than" Krow says while taking its foot off of Owen's head and than picks Owen's head up by his hair. (I feel like Krow would do this just because it can)

Krow walks out the cell with blood on its claws a few seconds later. (Again this terrible writing I know ok)

*Owen coughs up blood as Krow walks away, bright red blood begins to splatter on the dark stone floor as it drips out of Owens mouth.*

*Sillvia walks down the hall towards the cell and walks past Krow and sees the blood on its claws*

'Guess Krow gave Owen a hard time' Sillvia thought while walking towards the cell. Sillvia opens the cell door and walks in and says "brought you something..."

Owen slowly sits up and wipes the blood dripping from his mouth, Owen doesn't try to look up at Sillvia. Owen's head hangs down not letting Sillvia see his face. Sillvia walks forward and sits in front of Owen on the cold floor of the cell.

"Wanted to give you this... I know your not really supposed to have stuff but I got this for you..." Sillvia said while looking though their backpack for the item to give Owen. Sillvia pulls out the drawing of him that they found in the chest back at Rasbi's house.

*Sillvia places the drawing on the floor in front of Owen and gets up*

"I might not be able to forgive you...but... I don't hate you... I don't know how to feel about this situation anymore really, I'll come back with Kyle to give you some food and ask you some questions...Bye Owen." Sillvia says as they close the door to the cell.

As Sillvia walks away Owen reaches for the drawing Sillvia left. Owen's eye widened as he looks at the drawing. 'I remember this, this was when I taught Rasbi how to draw, ...well at least to draw a little bit better... and the writing Apo left, why did she keep this.' Owen thought As he looks at the drawing.

Owen flips the paper over and sees writing that says "Owenge eating a orange. Wouldn't this be considered Cannibalism?" Owen smiled slightly at the Memories of Rasbi and Apo calling him "Owenge" instead of his actual name.

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