|| The Yells are Heard ||

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Note: I do not support irl Ori in anyway. I do like c!Ori. So please do not hate on me for having characters still in this story.

Time skip: 1 month later; Clearing

Magic is talking to Soup when all of a sudden Soup interrupts the conversation with "wait hold on Magic... do you hear that?". "Hear what? I don't hear anything?" Magic reply's.

"No I hear something... it sounds like its coming from the cell...It sounds like someone's yelling!?" Soup exclaimed in a shocked tone. Magic is shocked and reply's "What do you mean you hear yelling!? Who's yelling?"

"Magic I don't know but all I know is that I hear yelling and it sounds like it's coming from the cell." Soup says to Magic. "But even if there was yelling like how would we even like you know hear it? The cell is way below Guts' house. Right?" Magic says

"Yea... it is. And... Owen is the only one that's In the cell right now. So... thats probably him yelling! But he would have to be yelling pretty dang loud in order for it to travel a long distance to making it to our ears. But why? Is he hurt!? Is something going on down there!?" Soup says worried

*Soup and Magic make their way over to Guts' house and as they get closer Magic is able to hear the painful yells and screams. The closer they got the louder the yells became and the faster they walked. Walking turned into speed walking and than that turned into running.* (feet got brrr)

*Before they get to Guts' house Ori runs up to them. Ori In a panic stops both Soup and Magic.*

"Guys we have to go, like right now." Ori says. "What! Why? Why do we have to go?!" Soup says. "There's not a lot of time to explain but all I'm going to say is that theres lava in the clearing and there's a lot of it. If we don't leave now than we're all probably gonna die." Ori explains

"But where are we gonna go? All the maze sections lead onto each other. Right?" Soup says "We know so that's why we're gonna run into the dark maze. There's no lava in that maze and its completely cut off from the other maze sections. We think it's a way out. We can finally make it out of here." Ori says with a faint smile, the ground quickly becomes more and more warm under the groups feet

"ok well than what are we waiting for let's go before the lava starts coming up through the ground over here next." Magic says

"Yea that's a good idea but what about-" Soup starts before she gets cut off by the sound of Owens screams coming from the underground cell

"wait is that Orange?!" Ori says "yes that's why me and Magic were on our way over here so that we can try and get Owen out of there incase the lava is down there, there's a chance we can save him." Soup says "but how can we trust him?! He's killed Apple, Guts and Raspberry. If we let him out than who says he won't try to go for Krow or anyone else." Ori states

"What do you mean!? He's your so called 'friend'. You're just going to leave him to suffer and die because he did something that he thought was right but was actually wrong." Soup says in protest to Ori's statement

"Look...Ori, I lost trust in Owen the same reason why you did. He killed people from his own clearing and I understand that we can't trust him but please understand when I say that he's changed. I've went and visited him and so has Magic, we've seen the state he's in and it doesn't look good. I don't trust him but I also don't want him to die just when he started to change for the better. So please Ori... let us get him out of there while there's still a chance he's alive." Soup says

*Ori opens his mouth to say something when a painfully loud yell is heard coming from the cell*

"Ok fine we'll get Orange out ok" Ori says "finally, ok come on Magic, Ori lead the way." Soup responds

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