|| Freedom ||

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Note: to make up for the last 2 super short parts, this one might be the longest part I've written. So I hope you guys enjoy this part.

Clearing; Campfire Area

*The Dark Maze gates are open as the group catches their breath, Ori looks over at Owen.*

"Owenge..." Ori begins to speak "I Know...see you...Ori" Owen says back to the half Angel, his voice slightly softened out of habit when speaking to his friends.

Ori looks at Graecie one last time, he walks over and hugs her, He whispers something into Graecie's ear before walking back into the Dark maze and the gates close behind him, Graecie's eyes start to water as she covers her mouth with her hand trying her best not to cry.

Soup walks over to Graecie followed by Acho and Magic. Soup asked Greacie if she's ok and where Ori was. Graecie answers quietly with "He's not coming back Soup." Magic jumps into the conversation by asking "what!? Why? Why did he leave!". Greacie replies back with tears streaming down her face while hugging herself "I don't know but Ori's not coming back! He not coming back and I don't know why!"

*Owen leans against a wall lost in thought. Krow looks over and sees Owen, it smiles a twisted and sharp fanged grin as it walks over to brown haired human. Owen looks at Krow with cold and hateful eyes once he notices it walking over to him.*

"How's your legs old man?" Krow says with a smile, "I was sure you would be dead right about now...but... I guess the 'great human general Owen' doesn't know when to 'call it quits." Krow laughs as it looks at Owen's beat up state "Just Stop Krow...go bother someone else will you." Owen says back. Krow reachers for Owen's hair but Owen grabs it wrist. "Don't. You. Dare. Test me Krow." Owen says while squeezing Krow's wrist before it can grab his hair.

"Or what? You gonna kill me or something...try me Owen. I dare you." Krow smiles. Owen's eyes flash a short and faint Orange Glow at Krow as Owen looks like he's about to break Its arm. "If you come anywhere near me or the others, I swear demon. I'll kill you." Owen says with venom in his voice

*Kyle sees what is going on with Krow and Owen and steps in before anyone can get hurt*

"Hey! Cut it out guys!" Kyle says

*Owen let's go of Krow's wrist, Krow backs off and walks away, and Kyle Looks at Owen but doesn't say anything*

Owen looks at Kyle and breaks the silence by saying "What do you want now. You gonna ask me more questions to find out if I was lying? Or are you just gonna ask just to ask?" Owen says in an annoyed tone "no...that's not why" Kyle says "than what." Owen says back

"...I...I just wanted to know what happened...what Really happened before I got there. I wanted to know so that I could bring some kind of closure to them." Kyle states "But when you were down there and left before I could explain you only cared about telling everyone about how Owen killed Rasbi and no one knew why." Owen says in a sarcastic tone while leaning back against the wall once more

*Kyle sighed*

"I wasn't- I wasn't thinking straight at that...moment, but who wouldn't be even a little bit scared if they saw someone covered in blood next to the body of someone they knew or heard about." Kyle says

Owen looks down at the ground and reply's "I know...but how do you think I felt when I woke up in a cave In front of my best friends dead body. Ever thought that I was actually telling to truth when I said that I didn't know why I killed her? I didn't even know I did until a few memories started to bleed through when Magic, Soup, and Ori got me out of that cell." Owen's voice goes from quiet to annoyed

"Did you ever think about that Kyle? No. you didn't because all you care about is trying to be a better leader than I was because your My replacement." Owen says angrily as his eyes glow orange faintly

Kyle says back in shock "look I thought that you could of been telling the truth or that you could be lying, and who said I was your replacement. I only stepped in when you stopped being a leader and when you said you didn't want to be one anymore, I just took the job no one else wanted." Kyle raised his voice slightly.

*Owen looks at Kyle with bright glowing Orange eyes that send shivers through Kyle's entire body, Owen's face showing he was clearly thinking of something mixed with annoyance*

*Suddenly, a Greavier noice echos through the area and bounces off the large stone brick walls*

"Ummm guys!" Bek is heard saying in the background

*Kyle turns around in the direction of Bek and Owen's eyes go back to their normal dark chocolate brown color*

*Everyone is shocked as they see a Griever standing in one of the huge Corridor's of the new maze area*

Kyle immediately runs in front of the group and yells "BEK! SWORD! NOW!" Kyle takes out his own sword as Bek runs over to Kyle with the Sword from the stone.

*Bek swings the sword around towards the Griever while trying to keep her balance as well, the Griever runs away as Bek swings the sword* (I imagine the sword from the stone is heavier than most of the swords any of the Glader's have held so Bek has trouble maintaining balance because of its weight while swinging it)

Bek catch's her breath as she lets the sword hit the ground while still holding it. "Good job Bek, nice work" Kyle says "thanks...Kyle" Bek says still trying to catch her breath

"Ok. We know there's Grievers here now." Kyle says "ok. I think we should get going now. Is everyone here?" Kyle looks back at the group "1,2,3,4,5,4,6,7,8, and I make 9, ok everyone's here" (Bek, Magic, Graecie, Krow, Owen, Acho, Soup, Spidey, Kyle)

"Ok lets get going before those Grievers come back" Kyle says to the group

*the group starts to make their way through the new maze area, they notice that Grievers are watching them but they ignore them and keep going*

*Kyle and Bek are in the front, Magic, Graecie, soup, Acho, make up the middle, and Krow and Owen as well as Spidey are in the back*

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