Chapter 7: Reuniting

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Ava POV:
OMG I can't believe it we just actually won the game. I am being lifted into the air by my teammates. After a few minutes they put me back down on the ground again. Alex and I do our little handshake that we came up with when we were like six. Coach comes to me and he tells me he is very proud of me and that I did a very good job. He then walks away again. When we were done celebrating we see Lisa walking over to us, there are two other people that I already saw during the game. I recognized them as THE Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans, Alex and I are big marvel fans so of course we know who they are. The question is just why would they visit our game? Unless... Wait don't tell me they are the people Lisa asked us about earlier. Are they our parents? I am currently very confused.

''Hey guys you did so great, congratulations.'' Lisa says pulling me out of my thoughts. Lisa pulls me into a hug, before giving Alex an high-five. Which makes me chuckle softly because Alex always says he doesn't like hugs but I know it is just because he doesn't want to show other people that he can be sensitive as well. Alex is not always just tough, like people always think about him. ''Okay Ava, Alex I want to introduce you guys to some people.'' Lisa says while she turns to look and point at Scarlett and Chris. I look at them as well, and notice Scarlett already looking at me. She gives me a soft smile, which I return still feeling slightly uncomfortable being in the presence of these actors. I look back down towards my feet, and start playing with my fingers which I do when I am nervous or uncomfortable. ''I'm sure you both already know who they are seeing as you guys are big marvel fans. But this is Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans. Remember the conversation we had this morning, well Scarlett and Chris are your biological parents.'' Lisa explains. I already had a feeling she would say something like that, I keep looking down because I can feel the tears starting to come in my eyes and I really don't want them to see me crying. ''Hey guys it is so nice to finally meet you again. We have been really looking forward to this moment, and you guys did amazing on the field today.'' Chris says. ''Yeah we are so proud of you two, you guys have grown into two amazing persons.'' Scarlett says, I can feel her eyes pointed right at me. I don't like that feeling, I wish I could just disappear right now.

''Hi it's nice to meet you to, Ava and I are actually really big marvel fans we watched all the movies. My favorite is Captain America: The Winter Soldier.'' Alex says proudly. I look up at him with a frown on my face. I can't believe it, how can he just talk to them like that? They have abandoned us for years, and all of a sudden they want to come back in our lives? I don't care who they are, they hurt me and I can't just forgive them for that. I look back at Scarlett and Chris, they are looking at me with a hopeful look in their eyes. Then I turn my head towards Lisa ''I need to go home I have to study for my test on Monday and I need to feed Oreo.'' I then walk away, not giving them the chance to say anything else. I didn't even have a test on Monday, I just needed an excuse to get away from there.

Alex POV:
''I need to go home I have to study for my test on Monday and I need to feed Oreo.'' Ava says, and then quickly walks away. I look at Scarlett and Chris, they have a hurt expression on their face ''I'm sorry about that she doesn't really trust people easily, she also doesn't have a test on Monday that was just an excuse.'' I apologize for Ava. ''It's okay we understand, we knew it was a long shot to just come back into your lives. But can I ask a question who is Oreo, she said she needed to feed an Oreo?'' Scarlett asks me confused, she has a frown on her face trying to work out who Oreo is. I start laughing before explaining ''Oreo is a cat, Ava found her on the streets like four years ago. She has kind of taken her in, and she has been taking care of Oreo ever since.'' ''Ohh yeah that makes sense, I was just really confused for a second.'' Scarlett says while also laughing now. '''Well it was really nice to meet you but I have to go and check up on Ava, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.'' I say the last part more to Lisa, because she is the only one who knows how Ava can be when she feels hurt and overwhelmed. So I quickly grab my stuff and walk away in the direction Ava went.

Chris POV:
When Ava stormed away I felt so sad, but I knew it was a big possibility of happening. Alex probably noticed the hurt expression on our faces, and he apologized for her behavior. Of course we understand and we don't blame them for hating us. Alex just looked so grown up at this moment, being so polite. When he walked away as well to go look for Ava, I watch him for a while until he is out of my view. I then turn to look at Scarlett, I can see that she is holding in her tears so I quickly embrace her in a hug.

Scarlett POV:
I knew it my baby girl hates me. She looked so betrayed when Alex talked to us, I hate seeing her like that. The tears now coming to my eyes, Chris pulls me in a hug. ''Hey it's okay she will warm up to us. We knew this was probably going to happen.'' ''I know but it still hurts you know.'' I answer him. ''She will come around, Alex is good at calming her down. I'm sure he can convince her into talking with you two.'' Lisa says. ''Thank you so much for reuniting us again, I can't explain how much this means for us.'' Chris says.

Third person POV:
After Ava stormed off she went to the park, and sat down at the swings. She got lost in her thoughts thinking about everything that is changing in her life right now. She was unconsciously picking at her fingers. Alex found her not long after and sat down in the swing next to her, he held her hand in an attempt to stop her from picking at her fingers. Ava looks up at Alex and breaks down in tears, Alex quickly gets up and comforts Ava.

Meanwhile, Chris and Scarlett had left towards the hotel they booked for that night. They had spoken to Lisa for a little longer, Lisa had told them they could try again tomorrow. They just had to let Ava calm down for a while, so she could let everything sink in a little.

After Ava had calmed down Alex and Ava made their way back to their house. After a ten minute walk they arrived back home, Alex pushes the door open and lets Ava enter first. He already saw that their foster parents weren't home, because the car wasn't in the driveway. Alex thought that they probably went to the bar again to get drunk, but that was a problem for later. Ava went to sit on the couch and put on the tv, Oreo started meowing at her so Ava picked her up and put the cat on her chest. This has always helped Ava calm down, and somehow Oreo knew this. Alex went upstairs to quickly take a shower and get changed in some clean clothes. When he was done he went to the kitchen and started making dinner.

Chris and Scarlett were in a restaurant right now, they obviously had to eat somewhere as well. They were both really quiet thinking about what had happened today. When they finished their dinner, they went back to their hotel rooms. They both watched some tv, in their own room. Then they called it an early night and went to bed in the hopes that tomorrow was going to be a better day.

After Ava and Alex had finished their dinner as well, they did the dishes real quick. No one spoke about how they felt about the whole situation. When they were done with the dishes they both went upstairs, Ava took Oreo with her. Alex went into his room and got changed into his pajamas, a minute later Ava stood in his doorway with her dog shaped stuffy she had for as long as she could remember in her left hand and she was still carrying Oreo in her right arm. ''Can I sleep with you tonight?'' Ava asked so soft it was almost a whisper. ''Of course come here.'' Alex said opening his blanket enough so Ava could crawl in. Ava laid down in his bed still holding her stuffy tightly and Oreo curled up next to her head. ''Goodnight'' Alex said, Ava hummed in response and they both fell asleep.

I loved writing this chapter, it is so cute how much Ava trusts Alex. And how good Alex is at comforting Ava. I alsoalmost forgot about Oreo but I had this idea in my head and it was just too cute, so I had to add it to thestory. Fun fact: Oreo is actually based on one of my own cats, he is also black withwhite and he loves to lay down on your chest. 

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