Chapter 16: Bonding time

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Third person POV:
It is currently a week later and it's a Saturday. The twins have started at a new high-school last week and they have been doing pretty well. Ava had a tough time adjusting to the new place but when the twins found new friends and formed a group that now consists of 4 people including Ava and Alex, it all got easier.

Ava had found a friend named Isabella during her first math class. Ava was seated next to Isabella and they got to know each other. Alex was seated next to a boy named Oliver, they also got to know each other. During lunch the four sat together and a new friend group was formed.

The twins have also been spending more time with Rose, they really adore the girl. Rose looks up to both of them and has easily adjusted to the fact that she has two siblings now. Alex has introduced Rose to different sports like basketball and hockey, and Rose really enjoys playing sports with her brother. Rose has forced Ava to play with the barbie dolls together and Ava has been helping Rose with her schoolwork.

Scarlett and Chris have started filming a new movie for Marvel. And the two have gotten closer over the last week. Their relationship with the twins is still not great but it is slowly getting better. Ava is slowly starting to trust the two and Alex has also opened up more. Alex is still very careful to make sure they won't hurt Ava.

Scarlett POV:
I woke up this morning from a weight on top of me, I opened my eyes to see my little girl laying on me. ''Mommy you're awake'' She says happily ''Hey sweetheart when did you get in here?'' I ask while rubbing my eyes and turning on the lights. ''Not that long ago mommy, but I was bored and no one is awake yet'' Rose pouts ''Shall we go see if Alex and Ava are awake now then?'' Rose jumps off of the bed cheering I laugh at her while also getting out of bed.

I quickly get dressed in some jeans and a white t-shirt and go to the bathroom to do my business. When I am done I walk back in my bedroom to see a very inpatient nine year old jumping on the bed. ''Okay little girl let's not jump on the bed'' I chuckle while lifting her up and putting her on the ground. She runs across the hallway towards Ava's room, she is about to open the door when I stop her ''Rose baby let's go check on Alex first'' I say knowing Ava needs more sleep then her brother.

Rose runs to the room next door and barges in. ''Alex Alex Alex, are you awake?'' I hear Rose yell when I reach the room I see Rose jumping on the bed were Alex is still laying. ''I am now'' Alex groans, he turns around so he is now laying on his back looking up at Rose with squinted eyes still readjusting to the light in his room. I walk over to where he is laying on the bed and sit down on the edge ''Did you sleep well?'' I ask patting his leg. He rubs his eyes and lets out a yawn ''I was sleeping fine till about a minute ago.'' He laughs. ''Well Chris is not coming over today they needed him on set to film some scenes but we can do whatever you guys want.'' I inform the boy, but before he can respond we hear a loud bang coming from the room next to Alex's. 'Ava!?' I think and I sprint out of the room with Alex and Rose not far behind.

I open the door to see Ava laying on the ground with her blanket covering half of her body. ''Owwww'' Ava groans while rubbing her head slowly sitting up. ''Hey calm down are you okay? Did you fall out of bed?'' I ask worried helping her sit up checking her head for any wounds, while I can hear Alex laugh his head off. ''Don't worry I am fine'' She says standing up and putting her blankets back on the bed.

I still saw something laying on the ground so I picked it up to see it was a dog shaped stuffie. It looked exactly like the one I gave her when she was just a baby. Ava saw me holding the stuffie and grabbed it out of my hands ''You still have it?'' I ask tears forming in my eyes. ''Of course it is the only thing that has been with me through it all'' She explains. Ava walks towards the little cat bed where Oreo was laying and picked her up, Ava walked out of the room without saying another word. We all followed her downstairs.

I started to make some breakfast for everyone while Ava was feeding and petting her cat, Alex was setting up the table and Rose was running around the kitchen.

After breakfast the kids all got changed in some clothes and they went outside to play in the garden. I had asked Alex to keep an eye on Rose and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid while I went to my office to get some work done. I needed to rehearse my lines for some scenes in the movie so I had planned a zoom call with Elizabeth Olsen, Florence Pugh, Robert Downey jr. and Jeremy Renner.

Alex POV:
Me, Ava and Rose went outside in the backyard to play. It is a nice and warm day so we are all wearing shorts and a simple t-shirt. ''What do we do?'' Rose asks, ''I don't know. What do you want to do?'' I ask back. ''Mommy has fun toys in the garage we can go look there.'' Rose says while already running towards the garage, me and Ava follow her.

We are all looking through the garage when my eye is caught on something, a guitar. I pick it up and it still looks like it's in a very good state I play something and I tune it a bit, but it is a great guitar. ''Woww you can play the guitar?'' I see Rose standing in front of me with big eyes. ''Yes, and Ava can sing really well'' I whisper the last part, but unfortunately for me Ava heard. I receive a slap on my arm ''I can't sing'' Ava says and continues looking for toys. I roll my eyes ''Oh please don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.'' I tease her, Rose now also getting very excited. ''Pleasssssseeeee Ava'' Rose begs.

Finally Ava gave in and we took the guitar back to the backyard and me and Ava sat down under a big tree. Rose sat down on a swing that was hung from one of the branches off the tree. I started playing 'This city' from Sam Fischer (A/n: I added the song on the top of this chapter) and sung the beginning of the song after a while Ava started to sing and clap along.

Rose got up from the swing and started to dance around the yard, I saw Scarlett coming outside as well. She looked at us with a very big smile. 

A little longer chapter again
😊. I also completely forgot about the cat I added Lol. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed it again and feel free to give me any tips or suggestions, See you!!

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