Bonus Chapter: Show Me

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(This chapter will contain a little spice. Read with care)

"One more thing, before you return." Suna called to the red-haired male, taking his hand in her own. "I can't take away the pain you feel for Yoko's bond, but I can make it so you will sleep through it, at least this once."


Yumiko felt a warmth pressed against her chest as she slowly swam back to consciousness. Rather, she pressed against something warm. As her eyes flitted open, she found herself tucked into the crook of Kurama's arm, her head on his bare chest, her leg wrapped around his own, and her crimson-to-cream tail draped across them both.

She blinked in confusion for a moment, then sighed as understanding set in. They had been in the glade, which meant they had completed the bond, which meant...


Yumiko screeched, sitting up. Indignation and fury swept through her as she realized she couldn't remember a thing about what had happened. Sure, she remembered being up against the wall, his breath on her neck, him biting her neck, marking her as his, and then... nothing!!!

"AUGH!!" She lashed her tail once, then flinched as she realized what she had done, and checked to make sure she hadn't woken him. Kurama still slept peacefully beside her, though there was now a nice red mark on his chest from where that tail had struck. Her hands went to it at once, before she froze completely, something else catching her eye. She gulped, and turned just slightly, allowing her eyes to travel down his chest, his stomach, to where the very tip of something peaked out from what was left of the shredded sheets. Yumiko's face went deep red as she saw it, and she flinched again, a tiny squeak escaping her as it twitched in his sleep. She quickly grabbed the sheet, and covered him up, only to realize the holes torn through the fabric did even less to hide his length with how she had covered him. The realization caused her let out another little squeak, nearly falling off the bed in embarrassment.

She should not be looking at him like this while he was asleep!! She looked around desperately for something to provide the male with some modesty, and settled for throwing a pillow over his hips. He grunted in his sleep from the weight of the feather pillow, but still did not wake, even as she let out another "EEP!" and actually fell off the bed!

She glanced over the edge, peeking at his face. Still fast asleep. She was starting to think she could claw that face and he still wouldn't wake. Her ear flicked in irritation. She had questions, and she wanted answers! It was completely, and utterly unfair that she couldn't remember even a single second of her first time! It was the bonding for Kami's sake! If there were ever a moment she should be able to recall, it should be this!!!

She crawled back on the bed, and sat cross-legged beside him, her tail curling up in her lap. She stared down at the sleeping male, wondering how best to wake him, and her ears shot up with an idea. Carefully, she bent over his chest, fingertips barely grazing his skin as she traced lazy patterns down his torso.

"~Kurama, it's time to wake up!~"

She whisper-sang into his ear, her breath warm on his neck, but he didn't stir. Even that Heart of the forest gem on his wrist remained ever calm. She sat back with a huff, and tried to rethink her plan. She moved very carefully to sit on that pillow, hoping her weight would do the trick, and leaned down over him, allowing her canines to graze his neck again as she whispered into his ear.

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