Chapter 2

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 Nice job, Lambert. You broke the bard.

It wasn't my fault! I thought he was going to block it.

If he has permanent damage from this, Geralt is going to kill you.

There's...voices. Voices that Julian doesn't recognize, yet they feel familiar somehow.

It wasn't even that hard a hit. How was I supposed to know it would knock him out?

He's a human, dumbass-- er, mostly human. You can't hit him as hard as you hit us.

You think I don't know that?

Whatever. Just go get Geralt.

The voices go quiet for a while after that, and the only thing Jaskier notices is the pain. The terrible, throbbing, probably swelling his face pain.

Then one of the voices returns, louder this time.

"Hey, look. He's waking up."

He groans, trying to open his eyes, but everything is so bright and his ears are ringing. It feels like he's lying down somewhere on a remarkably soft bed. Did he pass out at the performance? Oh no, did he miss his cue?

"Jaskier--" a new voice; deep and husky-- "are you alright?"

Julian shakes his head, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes from the light. "Who's Jaskier?"


"Gods, Lambert. You actually broke him."

What? Julian blinks a couple times as his eyes start to adjust. He's in what looks to be a bedroom; it's cozy, with stone walls and a crackling fireplace. "What happened? Where...where am I?"

"My gods, he doesn't remember anything!"

"Jaskier." That deep voice says again, and then there's a strong hand on Julian's shoulder and he turns his head to see its owner--

Holy shit, it's the most beautiful man he's ever seen.

Mr. Deep and Husky is fucking stacked, built like a brick wall, with arms that could crush Julian like a grape. He has long, straight, milk-white hair that trails past his shoulders and piercing eyes the color of liquid gold. His face is handsome, with a strong jaw and straight nose, sharp cheekbones that accentuate the curve of his cheek, and around his neck, he wears a thick metal chain with a wolf's head medallion hanging from it.

Julian blinks a few times, trying to right himself from the dumbfoundedness of seeing such a gorgeous being in the flesh. He wants to ask what happened, but what comes out of his mouth is, "you're beautiful."

He immediately slaps a hand over his mouth. Did I really just say that?

But Mr. Gorgeous doesn't seem upset in the slightest. In fact, from the sharp look in his eye and quirk of his lips, he looks rather amused.

"...Jaskier?" he tries again, and Julian blinks. Is he supposed to be Jaskier?

When Julian doesn't respond, a brief flash of surprise passes over the man's face. Then something seems to click.

"...Julian?" he asks cautiously.


"Oh fuck," he hears someone say from across the room.

And then it hits him.

A strange place with a gorgeous man that's everything Julian could ever want?

"Oh fuck," Julian whispers, covering his mouth in shock. "Oh fuck! It's you!"

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