Chapter 8

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Jaskier stands at the front door of Oxenfurt University and stares out at the long and winding road in the distance. His usual silk and lace is replaced with a more comfortable linen doublet, his heeled boots swap for something leather and sturdy. Over his shoulder a pack containing clothing and supplies is slung leaving his hands free to hold his lute. His fingers drum nervously on the wooden neck of the instrument.

"I can't believe it's finally over," Priscilla says, coming to stand beside him.

Jaskier doesn't take his eyes off the horizon. "Neither can I."

"I'm not sure I feel ready, you know? Of course I should be, I have all the education and experience, yet somehow it doesn't feel real."

Jaskier can relate to that. His time at Oxenfurt has been a whirlwind of experiences; he learned so much about music and literature, met some of the first real friends of his life, and finally got to stand on his own two feet away from the influence of his parents' title. Part of him doesn't want to leave, to put his foot out there and surrender himself to everything that is new and different. But then again, Jaskier has never been one to remain stagnant in life. Being a bard is difficult, he knows, but he's willing to do everything it takes.

Of course, that doesn't mean he won't miss this place, especially the friends that came with it. Priscilla and Essi are like sisters to him, and while he and Valdo tended to butt heads more often than not, eventually Jaskier came to appreciate one of his oldest friends and harshest critics. Admittedly, he's been holding in the tears as each of his companions has parted ways. Valdo left immediately after walking off the stage at graduation, claiming "if he's going to be the best bard the continent has ever seen he better start now." Essi left later that evening, joining up with a troupe of other students to travel Redania and perform in court. Now it's just him and Priscilla.

"When does your carriage arrive?" Priscilla asks him.

"Hm? Oh it doesn't."

Her eyes widen. "You're not going back to Lettenhove?"

"Nope. I'm setting out on foot. I plan to tour the entire continent."

She gives him a look. "Really? You who complains about feet hurting after every performance are going to walk the whole way?"

"Sure am," he replies cheerily. He'll need to prepare himself if he's going to be traveling the path with Geralt for the next thirty years.

Priscilla lets out a sigh, shaking her head, "Only you, Jules. Only you."

"What about you then?"

"I think I'm going to head home for a while, spend some time with my parents before I decide. Who knows? Maybe I'll catch up with Essi afterwards."

"Oh?" A smirk tugs at Jaskier's lips. "Any particular reason why?" He has his suspicions already that Priscilla has a bit of a crush on their mutual friend. His smile only widens as he sees a deep blush spread across her cheeks.

"You can't tell anyone, okay?"

He raises his hands in surrender, then my mimes zipping his lips shut and throwing away the key. "My lips are sealed."

"Essi is my soulmate. She hasn't had her Swap yet, so she doesn't know, I don't want to freak her out or anything until she's ready."

"Oh! Priscilla, that's wonderful!"

"Y-yeah, I'm...really excited."

"You two will be absolutely adorable together," Jaskier tells her. "I give you my blessing."

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