🌹Rating / general rules

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On Wattpad, please remember:

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On Wattpad, please remember:

🌷 Mark your story mature if needed or it could get taken down or changed. This doesn't just include anything sexual, Wattpad considers anything graphic, violent, containing harassment or bullying, etc. mature.

🌿 Be careful about containing sexual content. It's against Wattpad guidelines to have a book dedicated to that content but you can get away with including some (if wanted) when it doesn't reflect the storyline (e.g it's not in every single chapter or a one-shot full smut book).

🌹The above also goes with other content like self-harm, you can potentially get a book taken down for including too much of it and being too graphic, which leads to my next point:

🌸 Give warnings at the start of your book including any triggering material, such as self-harming, domestic violence, or extreme graphic violence, sexual abuse etc. It doesn't take much time to do and could save someone reading traumatic content <3

🍀 Don't test your luck, it's always better safe than sorry! When in doubt, check the Terms and Conditions of Wattpad.

When writing, it's easy to remember that Wattpad are not here for the fanfiction writers and they don't really have any compassion for our feelings (even giving the option to download our book before deleting it would be nice!). 

They are a money-making corporation now, they didn't use to be, so just be aware. I love writing on here because of the format is a lot easier than other apps but yeah, it needs some improving.

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