☘️ Plot Planning

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The most important part of the planning is now to define your storyline without making it so tight that you can't be creative

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The most important part of the planning is now to define your storyline without making it so tight that you can't be creative. Now it really does depend on your fandom of how your plans go so please adapt them to your liking.

In terms of the plan, it can go two ways. You can purposely involve things considered cliche or 'just for the drama', classic and expected twist ect or go away from the cliche to be more original! So I've listed common cliches on Wattpad below based on the books I've read in the past 5 years.


Commonly used:
✨ Dramatic or petty breakup
✨ Love interests go to an event with someone else
✨ Evil Ex who tries to steal back the love interest
✨ 'shock' pregnancy that's a little random...
✨ Love at first sight (not as used in some fandoms but very used in others)
✨ Love interest likes OC but they're oblivious to obvious attempts
✨ Really Rich OC that gets anything they want
✨ A major event right at the start of the book or multiple major events

More rare finds that vary by danodm (feel free to steal):
✨ Subtle relationship-building
✨ Bonding over time through a shared experience
✨ Friends getting feelings but both sides denying it to themselves
✨ A very relatable and realistic OC that people see themselves in
✨ OC that don't even believe in love at all for most the book

My advice is to...not actually plan your events too much! It depends what fandom you're going into but most will have events you go off anyway or if you write for F1 like me (or similar), it's nearly all regional content and a lot harder. Free writing is great, you just need a starting point.



What location does the story begin in:
What year does the story begin in:
Who is first introduced:
What year do you want it to end:

Any childhood major events:
Has the OC always had their personality or was it developed:
What happened to their parents:

(For each major or minor event)
Date is happens (or chapter number):
Who is involved:
What happened overall:
What is the after effect:
What does the OC specifically do:

Does the OC live:
What date does it end:
How will you end it:

(For anything you search)
Source of it so you can go back:
Main point you need:
How it applies your book:
Chapter it may be used in:
OR character it applies to:

Ideas from Thumblr to use (WITH CREDIT):
Random moments between two characters:
A moment of realisation for the OC:

As you write, keep notes for the following below:
Events you want to bring up again:
Events that have meaning later on:
Traumatic events:
Random ideas you get:


What are your pointers for planning a plot?

Are you a person who wings it or a heavy planner?

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