🌱 Location, Location, Location

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Next up is a little bit of everything but I do it in 3 steps so let's call it location, location, location! Whether you need this depends on the fanfiction you are writing but I've mainly used it for my Formula One fanfiction and one or two of my Harry Potter ones.

I mainly have these to stop myself from forgetting little things or when I have writer's block, I can come back to them and have one of those 'Oh I forgot about this, let's go back to that place!' moments :3



Specific area:

Home type:
e.g. large house, on the streets, apartment
Description words:
e.g. messy, open spaced, cramped, damp-field, horrible

How long have they lived there:
Do they stay here and if not, where do they go:

What do they like about it:
What don't they like about it:



Where do they spend most of the book:

Describe the place:
E.g. size, mood, building type, era, fast-past

Does the main character feel happy to be here:
What don't they like about it:

How often are they there:
Why are they there most of the time:

Is there a specific area of the main location they like:
Is there a place in the location they avoid:



Is there a location that causes trauma or fondness:
What happened there:

When do they go there:
When were they last there:

What do they like about the place:
What do they dislike about the place:

What happens each time they go back there:
Do they go alone or need someone else:


Depending on what fandom you're writing for, you might have multiple of each. My notes vary but I normally have 1 home location, 2 main locations and 1 influential location.

You can also note other areas the OC goes to but I prefer not to and if they're travelling to someone they don't go back to a lot, I don't keep notes for it.


For Harry Potter, you could have:
Home: The burrow
Main: Hogwarts, Grimmauld place
Influential: Godric's Hollow

For F1, you might have:
Home: Milan, Italy
Main: AlphaTauri Factory
Influential: Italian Grand Prix

For Game of Thrones, you might have:
Home: Dragonstone
Main: The wall
Influential: Winterfell

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