Chapter 10 - Damage Control

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The next morning Kate sneaked out of the house immediately after breakfast, making sure that Anthony did not get a chance to prevent her from going to the opera and meeting his former mistress again. Kate had decided that trying to convince Siena to break up her contract with Friedrich was the only way to aid her sister, although it was indeed a total leap of faith, involving a woman she barely knew and who had no reason to help her. But first, she wanted to talk with Daphne. Perhaps the sharp-witted duchess might even have a better solution to the prince imbroglio... On her way to the Bassets she strolled through the streets of London, admiring beautiful flowers, colourful birds in cages and ribbons for sale at the market, before stumbling upon a stand that sold clothing for children. She studied the little socks, shoes and bonnets with a throb in her heart, pondering on whether or not she was so certain about the gender of the child that she could boldly buy a pair of the sweetest light-pink socks. In the end she chose to play it safe and bought a pair of light greens instead. When it finally was lunchtime, she headed to the Bassets' London residence and was escorted by the butler into the lilac drawing room.

"Ah, Kate! Come in, I already ordered some tea and pastries." Daphne smiled happily. "Augie is napping and Simon is in his study, so we have the entire floor to ourselves."

"Lovely!" Kate exclaimed and joined her sister-in-law by the table, her stomach already growling from hunger. "Look what I bought." She smirked and presented the little socks.

"Oh, how adorable!" Daphne sighed and took them from Kate. "Although, I thought you were quite certain that it is a girl?" She smirked, as she studied the knitted green socks with silky ribbons in her hands.

"I am quite certain, but... If I am wrong, we surely cannot have a future viscount wobbling about the house in pink socks. I would not mind, but Anthony probably would..." Kate grinned and tucked the socks back into her purse after Daphne had handed them over to her.

"I believe his pink little socks would perfectly match the colour of his father's pall-mall mallet!" Daphne laughed and had a sip of tea. Kate sniggered and gulped down some tea as well, before clearing her throat and continuing the conversation in a more serious manner.

"Daph, unfortunately I did not come over only to showcase my shopping..." She began and from Daphne's suddenly intensely curious look Kate realised that her sister-in-law still had no clue what had passed between her and Siena at the opera house. "The thing is..." Kate continued and slowly told the whole story about the soprano and the prince, how they had invited Edwina and Friedrich over yesterday, only to hear that Edwina was with child and for Anthony to fail miserably – despite his best efforts – in trying to convince the prince to leave his paramour. Kate was not even entirely sure why she was so upset about the fact that her sister was now with child. It was not like the marriage had been reversible even if Edwina was not yet pregnant, but somehow it made the prince's betrayal feel even worse...

"Oh." Daphne managed to blurt out at last. She had been listening with such interest that she had not even remembered to put down her teacup, but had held it tensely right under her lips the whole time. "This is indeed quite a troublesome situation!" She stated and finally put down the cup.

"Yes, one might say that at least..." Kate sighed deeply.

"But... Kate, dearest. You do know that most married men have mistresses...?" Daphne wondered in a cautious tone. "Like we realised during Lady Danbury's soirée, most people sadly do not marry out of love."

"Of course, but I wanted nothing more than a true love match for my sister...!" Kate replied in distress and looked helplessly at Daphne over the table.

"Well, I believe many lords and ladies can live perfectly happy lives together, even if the husband has a mistress tucked away somewhere. The mistress and the wife will probably never have to meet each other. And it is not that uncommon for ladies to have their own lovers as well." Daphne pointed out. "Perhaps Edwina could find someone for herself?"

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