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The next few days flew by. Uni left me with barely enough time to breath, let alone sleep, but somehow I still managed to text with my friends (and Seungcheol), meet up with Jihoon for a cup of tea and even go to the swimming pool with everyone. The latter is probably my new favourite outing. It was pure chaos from start to finish and I loved every second of it.

It already started with the drive there. I was squeezed into the back seat of Jun's car, next to Jisoo and Seungkwan. My head hit the low ceiling, my knees were pressed against my stomach and my feet were strangely twisted under Hao's seat in front of me. With every movement, one of us rammed an elbow into the others' stomach. The original plan was for Jisoo and his boyfriend to take the same car, but thanks to a certain drama queen who hadn't been so keen on sitting next to their almost-boyfriend, who they hadn't spoken to since their argument in the group chat, DK and Seungkwan had swapped places. At first, Kwannie was a bit grouchy and quiet, but as the drive went on they eventually gained back their usual cheerfullness. It didn't take long for them to challenge Jisoo and Hao to a karaoke duel. So that I didn't feel left out, all of them signed the lyrics in such an exaggerated way while singing that I struggled not to burst out laughing on the spot. The pointed elbows that gave me lasting green and blue bruises did little to help me keep my laughter in check. It got even harder to contain my outburst, when Seungkwan started making faces additonally to their ridiculous signing. I was only glad that I was at least spared the certainly horrible squawking of my friends, otherwise nothing could have saved me from a laughing death. With hurting stomachs and tears in our eyes we pulled up to the swimming pool. The others were already there and after paying the entrence fee we made our way to the changing room. That's when the next episode of laughter errupted.

Right after entering the changing room, poor Hansol realised that he had forgotten to pack his swimming trunks. Fortunately, however, he was able to buy new ones at the entrance. There was only one small snag: They had recently sold almost all of their trunks and the only ones left were pastel pink with little crowns on them. I suppose I don't have to tell you that that had all of us on the floor in seconds, giggling like little schoolboys. However, Hansol deserves credit for not making a face and putting on the little crown bathing trunks with his head held high. That's what I call a "real man". Not long after the little incident with the crowns, we hadn't really recovered from our laughing fit yet, we noticed Hoshi's outfit and before we knew it we were rolling across the floor laughing. Again. He wore a tiger-patterned wet suit with matching diving fins and a cap with tiger ears stuck to it. And if that wasn't already enough, there was a tiger tail attached to the back of his neoprene. I think he takes the "I am a tiger" a little too serious. However, the amazing thing about his outfit was, that it did not look stupid on him! It was strange and unusual and very, very tigery, but not ugly. Not weird. Well maybe a little weird, but we're talking about the tiger boy! He's always a little weird as far as I noticed. I hate to admit it, but the outfit actually kind of suited him. Don't get me wrong though. I was still rolling on the floor, tears in my eyes, howling and roaring and bursting into one fit of laughter after the other.

We spent the next half hour or so relatively peaceful. By peaceful I mean no more bad karaoke sessions or surprising bathing outfits. However, it does not mean no pushing each other into the water, no dunking and no splashing. Believe me, we had plenty of that. Still, it was nothing out of the ordinary until this one moment, when the day started to become really great. We were busy with a special kind of water fight tournament when it all started.

We had split up in pairs of two, one being the horse and the other being the horseman.
Actually, it was already clear from the division that the whole thing was doomed to fail. Hao and me as horsemen? Oh please, did we really expect our fight to stay civil?
I'll give you a little chart for a better overview:

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