Chapter 8

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"What do you value most in life?"

"Love and friendship."

(from Rina's interview with the program 'Lighting the Stars')

Nikolai went to bed late, but still woke up early. Yesterday's discovery didn't go out of his head, and intuition suggested that the parameters could change in other places. Nikolai dialed Lev, apologized for the early call and told about his research.

"Send me all the statements," Jaguar replied. "I'll look at it later. Keep the equipment for now. And I'll try to find out something about Korean village."

"You and Yana are on vacation," Nikolai sighed.

"She is also interested in such cases. I don't think she'll mind the tour. Compatible business with pleasure. What should I bring you?"

"Bring me the news," he laughed and wished Lev a happy journey.

Having put an old notebook and notebook in a bag with equipment, Nikolai decided to go to the office early and study the videos and audio recordings made the day before Vika's arrival in order to devote the rest of the day to a new trip. But as soon as he got out of the car, he was called by name. Nikolai looked around and saw that Violet Volkova was heading towards him. He waited until she came up, involuntarily noting that this summer dress suits her very well, and smiled affably. However, Violet remained serious.

"Have you been waiting long?" Nikolai asked after the greeting.

"No. Your assistant has already arrived, but I decided to wait for you downstairs."

"Is Vika in place?" Nikolai was surprised, because he allowed her to come an hour later, and invited Violet: "Let's go!"

"Let's talk in my car," she suddenly asked and nervously pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. "The topic is too delicate..."

"Good!" Nikolai agreed easily.

He was sympathetic to the fact that not all clients dare to tell secrets in the office. He even came to someone's house.

It was cool in the cabin, apparently, Violet had recently turned off the air conditioner, and it smelled pleasantly of sea freshness. Nikolai settled comfortably into the seat. Violet involuntarily yanked her seat belt, as if she was going to fasten it, and then smiled sheepishly.

"If it's easier for you to talk on the road, then let's take a ride."

"No, I... I still have a long way to go home. I took the girls to my mom's because Volodya and I are leaving for two days after lunch."

"Nothing serious has happened, I hope?" Nikolai asked.

"No, no. This is a planned trip. We are going abroad to the kennel for puppies. So this is a business trip."

"Business and troublesome..."

"Troublesome and joyful," Violet laughed softly, drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, and then turned to Nikolai.

"We haven't told you everything about Rina. Volodya thought that you would not take us seriously if we stunned you with such information."

"Intrigued! And what is this secret?"

Violet sighed, pulled a strand of hair behind her ear again and, looking at Nikolai with her amazing eyes, asked:

"Tell me, do you admit the presence of abnormal zones? Do you believe that such places can exist?"

"Like the Bermuda Triangle?" he asked with a half-smile, but his heartbeat suddenly quickened from a vague premonition.


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