Chapter 15

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"What is your dream that hasn't come true yet?"

"Gatherings until morning with close friends at my house."

(from Rina's interview for 'Home Fairy' website)

A tall girl with short bright yellow hair stood on the threshold, and next to her, to Rina's displeasure, was a curly-haired, handsome guy. Unlike the girl, who nervously shifted her long legs and fidgeted with the edge of a black blouse, the guy held himself confidently.

"Vika?" Rina asked sternly, and when the girl nodded, she motioned for her to pass.

"Wow!" the guy suddenly exclaimed, peering into Rina's face, and then smiled broadly. "It can't be! The missing singer herself! Like really?"

Vika quickly looked around, and the surprise in her eyes was replaced by joy.

"Is that true? Are you Rina? Has Nikolai found you?" she asked.

Rina didn't answer, closed the door and, leaning her back against it, answered dryly:

"Nikolai is in that room. You can go through."

Vika smiled awkwardly, apologizing for her lack of restraint, and went into the bedroom. The guy stayed in the hallway.

"It's awesome, what a turn!" he admired, and Rina mentally groaned.

Her incognito went to hell! It remains to grab things and run again... but where to?

"One more scream, and you will have a turn - to the door and to the street," she snapped and went into the kitchen.

The guy stomped after me, I keep talking on the move:

"And you and I have already met! I interviewed you!"

The cup that Rina was about to wash slipped out of her hands and fell back into the sink. Fortunately, it didn't shatter into small pieces, but the handle broke off. Rina in her heart, masking her fright with anger, threw the cup into the bucket and abruptly turned to the unexpected guest.

"Wow! Don't glare at me!" He muttered hurriedly and raised his hands. "Yes, I'm a journalist, but I just bought Vika."

"Is Vika your girlfriend?"

"No, but..." he was suddenly embarrassed and, catching his thoughts, introduced himself: "My name is Yura. Yuriy Vasilev. And I've actually interviewed you and been to many of your concerts.

Rina asked coldly. "And what?"

"Well... I thought it would be nice for you to know."

"Is it nice to know that a journalist has broken into my house?"

"Listen! Did I say I came for an interview? I'm telling you, I gave Vika a ride! She was very scared, she was going to the devil knows where. Should I have left her? How did I know that the missing celebrity had settled in this shack?"

"This is not a shack, but a house! My house!" Rina was so angry that Yura backed away.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry! I'm too stunned to meet you. I didn't expect..."

"And now listen to you! If you talk about me somewhere, you will regret it greatly! This is my private life. And since I came here, it means I'm sick of people like you! Overly curious and chatty!"

With these words, Rina left the kitchen, went down to the yard and pulled the dried clothes off the rope. But Yura didn't let her rest here either.

"Listen, let's make peace, huh? I didn't come here as a journalist. Although, I admit, I really wanted to find out where you disappeared. First of all, because I'm your fan. Secondly, to rub the nose of his boss, who fired me. I was the first to write about your breakup with your fiance, but the news was immediately deleted. And me - to the street. I suspect that it was not without Dimitri himself!"

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