Chapter 11

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The hot shower feels luxurious, Selena is tempted to stay longer, but she knew Hunter needs it, too. He must be very cold downstairs. Selena turned off the water and dried herself with a towel. She then wrapped the towel around her naked body. It's good that Hunter has turned on the heater. She picked up the clothes Hunter placed on the bed. She held one shirt at arm's length to inspect it. This is Hunter's t-shirt, alright. It's his size, but it's too large for her. She's at a dilemma whether to wear his clothes or not. It feels definitely weird having to wear someone else's clothes, much less Hunter's! The only time she wore clothes that aren't hers was when she borrowed Molly's dress for a party.

She sighed as she put on the t-shirt. She couldn't just lock herself up inside this room, therefore she had to wear something - and Hunter's clothes are the only dry stuff she has right now. Worse, she has no underthings to wear. Damn that rain! Damn that truck! She put on Hunter's pajama next, and as expected, it was too big for her. It would drop to the floor if she won't hold it, and it has no belt loops on the waistband, so she twisted the garter and made a knot to tighten its hold on her tiny waist. Good thing the t-shirt is long enough to cover the upper portion of her thighs. Her lack of bra worried her, though. She just have to pull on her front shirt whenever Hunter is around, to keep it from sticking to her body. But, Hunter knows too well that she doesn't have anything underneath her oversized clothes. Arg. She shook that embarrassing thought away. She has no choice on the matter now. She just have to deal with it.

Now her hair, it's still wet, but that couldn't be helped. She is sure she wouldn't be able to find a hair dryer in Hunter's room, so she just let it hang loose. She remembered Hunter is still downstairs in his wet pants. She went outside the room and stood by the stairs balustrade, overlooking the entrance to the kitchen.

"Um, Hunter? It's your turn to change." She called out to him, hoping he would hear despite the noise of the rain. He didn't answer, but she saw him emerge from the kitchen and start walking upstairs. "Thanks for the clothes." She mumbled when he is within earshot. He glanced at her, but she didn't meet his gaze. She is too embarrassed to look at him. How does he feel looking at her wearing his clothes? It must be awkward for him as it is for her.

"I made some coffee. I thought you might want some." That was all he said before he went inside the room. She noticed goose bumps on his arms. He must be very cold, but he never complained.

She stood there alone, not knowing what to do next. She decided she might as well have that coffee now, it might calm her nerves. She realized there is no heater downstairs. She felt guilty when she thought about the time Hunter stayed here while she took a bath and dressed upstairs. She poured herself a mug of coffee, it felt so good having something hot to drink. She listened to the sound of the rain, it's still pouring outside. She wondered when the rain would stop, and if it will, will they be able to go back to the main house tonight? They left the car almost a mile away, will Hunter be able to fix and retrieve it tonight? She sighed. There's a high probability that they would have to stay here for the night.

She suddenly remembered that they only had a sandwich earlier. If indeed they need to stay here tonight, they would have to fix dinner. She got up and check the contents of the cupboard. There are various canned goods and other food products. She checked the fridge again, this time, opening the freezer. She's surprised to find bacon and a few chicken drumsticks. 'At least we won't starve,' she thought.

She went back to her chair and sip her coffee. She thought about her situation at the moment. She is trapped in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, with her boss. She is wearing his clothes without any underthings whatsoever. She felt her face heat up at that thought. It is very likely that they would have to spend the night here, so where would they sleep? There's only one room in the house. There is no heater downstairs, so it's out of the question for one of them to stay downstairs. Selena has never been with a man before. Heck, she never even had a boyfriend before! She groaned. She has no clue what to do.

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