Chapter 26

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Hunter was busy discussing with his veterinarian about the next batch of vaccines that they were going to give his cattle when Dave came.

"Hey Hunter, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure, Dave. Excuse us, Doctor Callagan." Hunter said to the veterinarian.

"It's all right, Mr. Adams. I'll just go and check our stocks." The doctor went to the storage facility in the farm where they store all the necessary medicines, vaccines, vitamins, and other stuff for the farm.

"What is it, Dave?" Hunter asked his friend, who is also the farm manager.

"Well, Lizzy called. She said she's supposed to meet with Selena at the cabin by Mermaid Lake. Lizzy wanted to know whether Selena came here instead because she hasn't arrived at the cabin yet. Lizzy called Mrs. Boon who told her Selena wasn't at your house either." Dave explained.

"Selena told me about her appointment with Lizzy today. I even suggested she let Edwin drive her to the cabin but she said she'd be fine alone. Try to call Lizzy again, Selena might just be running late." Hunter thought Selena might have gone to town first for an errand before meeting Lizzy, still, his forehead furrowed. This is so unlike Selena. He knew how time-conscious Selena is, she would never make anyone wait for her.

"Alright, I'll go back to the office and call Lizzy." Dave said as he walked to the direction of the farm house which doubled as their office.

"No, I'll go with you. I want to make sure Selena has arrived at the cabin safely." Hunter strolled to the house with Dave and waited by the office door as Dave called Lizzy.

Dave called Lizzy to ask whether Selena has arrived at the cabin. He looked worried when he put down the phone. "Lizzy said Selena wasn't in the cabin yet."

"What? Where could she be? She didn't mention..." Hunter hadn't finished his sentence when the phone rang. Dave picked it up immediately.

"Hello?" Dave spoke to the receiver, he looked at Hunter and handed him the telephone. "It's for you."

Hunter went closer to Dave's office table and took the phone from him. "Hello?"

"Hey there, buddy. Remember me? Hans Devlin."

A chill went down Hunter's spine. He clenched his fist. "What do you want?!" he hissed at him.

"Nah, I don't want anything from you. You on the other hand, would want something, er, someone from me." Hans gave a mocking laugh." Do you have any idea where your bride to be is right now?" Hans laughed again. He seemed to be enjoying taunting Hunter.

"Cut the crap, Devlin. I don't have time for your nonsense!" Hunter tried to remain calm but he can feel uneasiness creeping in his gut.

"Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up or I'll kill Selena right now!" Hans sounded like an insane man. "You and your arrogance will kill the woman you love. You think you're better than me? I'll show you who's better. I will have Selena watch as I kill you very slowly, and very painfully. Do you think she can handle that?" Hans chortled in amusement, sounding deranged.

"You sonofabitch! Don't you dare touch her! You lay a hand on a single strand of her hair and I will kill you! I will kill you, Devlin!" Hunter was red with rage, he pounded his fist on the office table nearby.

"Really? We'll see. If you want her, come and get her. Just don't take too long, I might get too intoxicated by her sweet smell and I might not be able to stop myself. I've always liked her, you know, but you just had to get in my way! I'm sure she might change her mind about marrying you if she find out how good I am in bed." Hans continued to laugh and taunt Hunter. "Remember that abandoned cabin? I'm sure you do, It's just north of your family's cabin by Mermaid Lake. Selena and I will be waiting."

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