Short Story 1 (old)

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Told from Y/N's point of view. Warning may be a couple cuss words. Also, this is old and I haven't read through this.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm houng off, "Ugh," you rolling over. "Shit! Im gonna be late for work!" You exclaimed falling out of bef and going to the closet.

You put on a (outfit of your choice) and put your hair in a messy bun. You ran out the door and hopped in your car.

Im here with a minute to spare you said running into the building. "Your very close to being late Y/N," said Vanessa,your boss. "I know but I'm very lucky and I'm not late," you said half out of breath.

"I know. So you'll be working in the daycare," Vanessa stated pointing to the daycare door. "Alright," i said walking over. Before i walked in she said "Good luck."  "Thanks?"

I walk in and slide down the slide. "HOO HOO HOO!" Sun said before jumping into the ball pit. "What the-?" "NEW FRIEND! But aren't you a bit old to be in the daycare and its late." Sun said.

"Im the new night guard and IM NOT THAT OLD!"  You exclaimed.

In the head space

Moon: But im the night guard!
Sun: i know but by the looks of it, it isn't their fault.
Moon: Yeah bit still.

Back to out in the real world

"Helloooo~ you there!" You yelled  "Huh!? Oh yes," Sun replied. "Vanessa said there were two of you weres the other one?"

Moon in the headspace

Back to reality

"Oh, you have to turn the lights out to see him."
"Oh okay! Can you put me down so i can do so?" You asked. "Uhh, sure," Sun said, setting you on the ground. "Thanks!" You said running to the light switch.

Once you turned off the lights, you turned around to see Moon. "Hi! What's your name?" You asked. "I'm Moon," Moon said as he walked closer, and sat in the office chair. "Uhhh...Hello Moon," you said, confused as you could tell he was slightly angry. "You alright?" You asked. "Yeah I'm fine," he said. "Would you like to sit down or are you just gonna stand there like a doofas?" He asked patting the chair next to his. "Yes im going to sit down!" You said sitting in the chair.

The clock rang and it was time for you to head home. "I best be on my way now. My shift is over," you said ad you atood up and went to flick the lights. Once you flicked the lights you were greeted with a "Awww!" From Sun complaining that you were leaving already. Before you knew it you up were sun had jumped down from. There were no doors so you couldn't get down.

"Sun!-!" But you were cut off. "If you need sleep you shall sleep here. We will wake you when its time for your shift!" Sun said trying to act scary. "Sun I'm not aloud to be here." You said trying to persuade him because if you were
You were talking technical you should be here just in your room dorm thingy. "Not true! All night guards stay in these dorm things!" "Dammit..." you mumbled. "Language! That language is not aloud in the daycare!" Sun exclaimed. "So kick me out" you said hoping it would do the trick. "No!" Sun started "now I've gotta play with the kids." Sun said.

Vanessa caught onto were you were when you weren't in your dorm. She managed to get Sun to tell her were you were. But because she couldn't get up there, she left you, Sun, and Moon alone. "Sunshine! Its time for your shift!" Sun exclaimed. "And your spending time with me since you spent time with Moon last night!" Sun exclaimed.

He brought you down to a table and asked "What would you like to do first?" Your stomach growled. "Food! Food first!" Sun said as he you dragged to the food stand in the daycare and gave you a burger. You looked at it gave an unsure smile and took the burger. "Whats wrong? Is there something wrong with the burger?" Sun asked kind of confused. Judging by what you heard most of the kids like cheese. "Uh yeah im fine. Its just i dont much care for cheese," you said hoping to not offend him.

"Ohhh, okay!" He said as he took the burger from your hands and gave you one without cheese. "Thank you," you said. "Of course!" Sun replied. Once you finished your food you played with glitter glue with Sun.

Once it was time for you to leave Vanessa had came just in time and "Sun leave them alone." "No!" He said. He picked you up and ran to the lights. He turned off the lights. Moon set you down and went up to Vanessa. "You know what i tried and i failed," she said as she ran out the door.

Moon picked you up and set in the balcony. This continued for about a week until Vanessa finally said take em home Y/N! So you took them home while they were powered off. When they woke you could hear a high pitch squeal of excitement.

Then you remembered the lights were out. "Oh my star~!" Moon said. "Ack!" You said, you realized your mistake as Moon found you. "My star! Do you mind telling us where we are?"Moon asked. "Uhhhh... can you give me a second on that. Thanks," you said as you ran to the bathroom. You pulled out your phone and dialed Vanessa's number. "Vanessa what do i tell them they asked were they were!?" You whispered. "The truth don't care, just bring them back today for the daycare," Vanessa said.

You went back to Moon to see him sittingon your bed waiting kind of annoyed. "Were are we moonlight?" Moon asked. "Well Vanessa told me to rake you guys home, because she wanted me to leave," you replied. "W-What about the daycare?" Moon asked, he looked kinda sad. "We'll go back, don't worry," you reassured. "Alright then what time is it?" Moon asked. "10:00pm," you replied. "Alright the we need to sleep, moonlight." Moon said, standing up and pushing you onto your bed. "Alright night Moon."
This goes on for forever. The end!
1067 words

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