Goodbye, Matpat...

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I figured I'd address this as soon as I could.

For those who are unaware, Matpat, is/was the creator of 'The Game Theorists'. He has made several theories. That includes FNaF, Mandela Catalog, Super Mario, and a bunch more. He ran The Game Theorists, The Film Theorists, The Food theorists, and The Style Theorists. His oldest channel, The Game Theorists, dates back to 2010.

I have been watching Matpat for quite some time now. In fact, I only discovered FNaF because I stumbled upon a theory of his back in 2019. I've watched him ever since. He introduced me to a lot of things, including FNaF.

Today, on January 9th 2024, he has announced that he will be stepping down from his role as host on all theory channels. He posted a video titled 'Goodbye Internet'. He will still be in the background, but he won't be the main star and instead is letting 4 others start run the channels. Lee will run Film Theory, Amy will run Style Theory, Santi will run Food theory , and Tom will run Game Theory.

To some of you, this might not be a big deal and to some of you it is...To me, this is a huge deal. And Matpat was right, it was impossible for me not to cry. I have been crying for a better part of an hour now, and I just wanted to say on here...Thank you, and goodbye Matpat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2024 ⏰

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