Yandere Moon and Jealous Sun (old)

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Moons a yandere and jelous Sun and guess what your just gonna be stuck i the middle! Why? Because i said so.
You had been working in the daycare of the mega pizzaplex since your last year of high school. It paid about $60 an hour, plus you got to hang out with the daycare attendants, Sun and Moon.

They found you nice and caring comparing to the old guards. They had a... fascination with you. Like if you came in late or called in sick they wouldn't be as cheerful or calm, they would have some temper tantrum's like a 5 year old who didn't get what they wanted. You also worked the nightshift. So you spent the day with Sun and the night with Moon.

Today you brought in a bag of stuff. "Ohhhh! Whats in the bag!? Whats in the bag!?" Sun asked excitedly. "Well, i made this puppet for you," you said pulling out a puppet that looked like him. "Cool! Thank you!" Sun said. "Of course," you replied. "I want one," Moon huffed in there mind thingy. "I have one for Moon as well," you started, "may i turn the lights out to show him?" You asked. "No, you can show him later, the kids are about to arrive," he replied.

~Time skip~

The pizzaplex had closed and the lights needed to be turned off. "Awww! But i want to spend more time with youuuu!" Sun complained. "Sun. I need to spend time woth Moon aswell, okay?" You said your hand now pressing the the light switch.

"STARLIGHT!" Moon squealed. "Hello Moon," you greet. "I've gotta throw away some broken crayons, wanna come?" You ask. "Yes!" Moon says as he flys up in the air.

Once you get to the trash compactor you say "Moon i cant see anything and i forgot my flashlight. I'm gonna need to turn the lights on." "Awww," Moon wines. "Yeah yeah," you say as your flick  the light switch. "Much better," you state.

Sun was behind you just sitting there watching.  Freddy came in and asked what you were doing. "Oh im just getting rid of broken crayons," you respond, "what are you doing?" "Just checking in on you," he replies.

Sun got super jealous as you hugged Freddy.

~in the headspace~

Moon: Sun the light switch is right behind you. Can you flick it please.
Sun: With pleasure

~in reality~

"Ack!" You squeal as Sun turned the lights off. You hear paper crinkle and metal hit the floor. You feel your eyelids closing and being picked up before you fall asleep.

Moons POV
After i put starlight to sleep i looked at Freddy "What was that for," Freddy asked. "You. Touched. Starlight." I answered. "So? Whats wrong with that?" He asked. "MY STARLIGHT IS NOT TO BE TOUCHED! UNDERSTAND?!," i yelled as i grabbed his head from behind and pulled his face close to a wall. "U-understood," he whimpered. "Good," i said dropping him on the floor and picking up my starlight.

When i woke up i saw Sun sitting next to the bed in the balcony room. "What happened last night?" I asked. "You fell asleep on the job. But don't worry tho! Moon took over everything is okay!" He reassured. "Oh okay, thanks!" You say. Sun gives a smirk that turns into his loving smile.

~The End~
567 words

And again, not read through or redone. Might redo. Might not

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