Smut. Human Moon and Femboy Y/N (old)

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      *knock knock* "Huh? What? Oh right," you opened the door, after dragging yourself of the couch and away from the pile of homework. "*Yawn* Sorry Moon I don't think i'll be able to go tonight, i h-have a loota h-homew-work to do," stuttering as you look up to see Moon dressed up. He was in a blue suit with stars on it, holding flowers. "I-i'll be r-right back," you squeal, slamming the door.

      Rushing through your dresser, you find a light blue crop top and white skirt with some thigh highs. You rush to get dressed as Moon knocks again on the door. "Alright here!" you yell opening the door to see an annoyed Moon. "Hehe sorry for keeping you waiting..." you say looking away. Inside you knew what was going to happen for trying to decline his invitation last minute, but you tested your luck. Moon was never one to initiate things between you and him you always were, and he got very upset if he did and you tried to decline. Perusing the conversation out to his car in the campus lot, he only responds with a 'thanks' when you complimented how he looked.

     He opened the door, for you, with a bow. You got in as he made his way to his side. The car ride was silent as you made your way to the secretive garden he and you made when you two were in high school. Their was also someone else who helped make it. The more you thought about the more tears threatened to spill. Moon noticed this quickly, you guys had just pulled up to the park. Stopping the car, Moon placed a hand on your thigh. Comforting you as he, too, thought about Sun.

"Sun! Sun! We made it out! We made it! We're gonna be okay! Sun? Suuun~! Sun?!" Moon yelled. "SUN THIS ISN'T FUNNY COME OUT!"  The ebullience pulled up, along with a fire truck. "MOON!" You yell running up to him, tightly hugging him. "Wheres Sun?" He puts his hands up to his mouth. "O-oh n-no..." he stutters out. "" You turn around seeing Sun on a take-away table.

Tears flowing down as you sat in the waiting room. "H-how is he doctor?" Moon asks. "I - I am truly truly sorry for your loss sir, but the fire caused serious damage to some exposed tissue found from a fall," he says.

End of Flashback

You knew Moon still blamed himself for Sun's death, but tried not to bring it up. "You alright?" He asks as he opens your car door. "Y-yeah, just ol' memories," you say, hugging him. "Yeah, well lets go eat now," him gently pushing you off looking away. You nod, realizing you haven't eaten today.

Sitting on the picnic blanket, you grab a PBJ with no peanut butter, and handed Moon a PBJ with no jelly. Watching the sunset you lean your head on Moons shoulder, your arms wrapping tight around him. You climb on his lap. He grabs your hips and mumbles "Don't move, brat." You whimper hearing him and obeying the order he gave.

He runs his hands up your thighs and up your skirt rubbing your inner thighs. You let your head fall forward onto his shoulder. "So so pretty," he comments, lifting your skirt. You whine. "Words darling," he says. "Please...please sir..." you whine again. "Please what
Y/N?" He says sternly, groping your thighs. "Please fuck me!" You yell as you whine because of the pain in your lower abdomen.

He pulls down your underwear, exposing your d!ck. You whimper at the cold air touching such a sensitive part of you. He puts two fingers at your mouth and you gladly oblige, now suck and covering his fingers in saliva.

He takes his fingers out and slowly inserts one into your hole. "MMGm," you moan. Slowly he begins to move his finger in and out, adding a second one eventually. "P-please sir," you moan as you start to slowly bounce on his fingers, your skirt flowing up with each bounce.

He roughly grabs your hips, stopping your bouncing. "Such a needy slut," he comments sliding you off of his lap, taking off his own pants and boxer's. "He pinned you down on the picnic blanket and you whined.

"Such a needy whore," he said thrusting into you harshly, barely giving you time to adjust. He thrusted into you at a inhumane pace.

"AHHHG F-FUCK!" You scream. Moon flips you over, planting a firm smack on tour ass. "Watch your mouth brat," he says leaning down to your ear, nibbling on it.

"M-MOON! PLEASE!" You cry out, feeling your prostate getting abused. "Such a-a needy s-slut," he said groans occasionally interrupting his words. You grab his arms as you cry out once more. "PLEASE MASTER," you beg.

"What, slu-t," he says. He planted a firm smack on your ass. You whine and stutter "Please sir, please let me cum." "Oh? Thats what you want?" He grab your hips and began to thrust harder. "Go ahead slu-t," he says. "MMMGN," you cry. You cum, causing Moon to cum shortly after. "Damn princess, that was awesome," he mumbles kissing you.

All you can do is giggle and smile, like an idiot. He gently smiles and slips on his pants, then begins to clean up. He helped get you to the car were you were looking up at the sky full of twinkling stars. Slowly drifting off into dream land. Moon got in and looked over at you. He smiled gently and began to drive back to campus.
Sorry i haven't been posting lately, i've been busy.


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