Loving You, The End [ENG]

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Maybe, it was a mistake to fall for you from the start.
After all, haven't I put in more effort and hope than it was actually worth?
And it pains me, because I know you well enough to know what you like and what not,
And you know me enough to acknowledge my scars and my fresh wounds.
Thus, I know you enough to know you care for me,
But will never care for me the same way I cared for you.
I observed you for long enough
To know what your gestures, not your voice, say out loud.
I can understand the shadows and lights reflected in your eyes,
And the way you express affection, quietly.
But no, knowing this only hurts me more,
Because it'll never compare to how much you mean to me, how much she means to you.
Is it the end?
No, an end cannot exist without a beginning.
Just promise me one thing, my dear.
Never give up on loving, no matter how much it hurts you.
Wouldn't you be such a hypocrite,
Telling me what a waste of time love is,
All while I spent hopeless tears on you?


Epitaffio di LaniDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora