Prologue: Part 1

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Brooklyn, New York 2099

You know the world had gone to absolute shit when the level of care within society is one so low almost to a nonexistent level, and it's a sad reality.

Sure...the city looked almost great with all the technical advances that have been used to progress further in life, but everywhere you turn you can feel the ghosts of the past looming over your shoulders. The sacrifices that had to be made, the countless deaths. All in the name of advancement and the hope for a better life.

But despite everything...

Despite the darkness that loomed over this city...
Despite the desperation within human eyes...
Despite the loneliness among us...

There was still greatness and humility, although small, it was still there.

But enough of that, right? I think I should introduce myself. After all, this is only a brief part of my story.

My name is Lauren Davis, 32. If this is still relevant to this day, my sign is a Capricorn. That should be enough right? Well...not quite, I'm going to tell you a brief story about my life and how I came to know Spider-Man. Yeah, Spider-Man. Caught you off guard, didn't I? Yeah, that usually happens.

Alright let me see...where should I start...?

Well, let's try a little bit after the beginning.

I used to be a loud and outspoken child. Liked everything the boys liked, and also liked playing with dolls and all that stuff. Phones were nice to use as well. They were a huge part of our childhood. Oh yeah, nothing like having an emotional outburst as a child then our parents simply shoved us a screen with doodles or whatever the hell was playing on it to calm ourselves down and lull us to sleep.

Fun times.

But anyways, moving on. I grew up, turned twelve and decided that I wanted to be this bad ass woman that fought off crime. Loved watching true crime while I grew up. Stayed even past five in the morning on school nights just watching episodes. Ahh...the memories are nice.

So, when I turned 16, I decided I wanted to go to military school and I stood there until I was 18. Then headed straight into the army where I first served for the US Air Force for at least three years, then moved to the marines for another three years...and then decided to enlist and stay within the army branch.

I got deployed three times, and hey, made it back alive in one piece. I can't say the same for some of my past comrades. Word of advice, don't skip leg day. I've been to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. And we still fight the same people...just different leaders and different mindsets, but it's always about power struggles and who has the bigger armament.
But anyways, this isn't about that, so moving on...

When I turned thirty, I decided to retire from the army. I figured I was helping my country outside it for too long...but the things that happened just outside my window seemed like the real threat instead of people oceans away...

The crime rates had gone insanely higher over the course of fifty years. People seemed to have forgotten what the word "love" even meant, or basic tolerance. New York had gone into very dark ages, criminals popping up in every single corner street...civilians getting caught in crossfires within gang turf wars, and don't even get me started with the corporate corrupt ladder bullshit. I could go on for days with that.

After retiring from the army, I decided to be involved more locally with my community in my hometown. So, I decided to become a rookie cop and climb the ladder here in the NYPD. Within a year, and thanks to my background and a few words from my previous higher ups in the military, I got ascended to officer and after, I went ahead and got the detective position.

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