Chapter 6

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SC-HQ Nueva York 8:27am

The bed felt incredibly soft. It had a lingering scent of one of her perfumes and she enjoyed the familiar scent, cozying up to the plush mattress underneath. She was slowly waking up and didn't want to, she didn't want to leave her cozy, warm bed...until realization hit her. Last night.

Her chest instantly grew heavy and her eyes shot open. She quickly sat up on the bed and looked down at herself. She had a...Yankees jersey on? Alicia's brows furrowed, grabbing the jersey at the bottom and staring down at it. She let the fabric go and picked up the collar of it and brought it over her nose, smelling the fabric. 'Miguel's.' It had his scent all over it, aside from it being huge on her body. So he was a fan of the Yankees? Interesting...

She let go of the shirt and kicked her legs off the mattress, pushing herself to stand before her entire body flinched and she let out a wince in pain. Her hips, her thighs and lower back ached with a menacingly pain. She stumbled forward and instinctively extended her arms out to land against the wall. Her eyes widened in horror as more images of last night flooded her mind. A cold sweat drop running down the side of her temple. "Oh my god..." she hissed under her breath in disbelief, but the pain in her body and the lingering aching feeling between her legs was proof enough that her memories from last night were 100% true and not a dream.

How the hell was she going to face Miguel now and not die of embarrassment? Not only that, but he had carried her across dimensions from their previous activities looking like this and unconscious!? What if someone saw!? At this point, she was panicking. She stepped towards the dresser, hissing in pain whenever she took a step but fought it back. She opened up a dresser and pulled out some long pants and a shirt.

She quickly grabbed the jersey and pulled it over her head, tossing it over to the pillows. Her eyes suddenly went wide when she stared down at her belly, one hickey there, another over here and...god there were so many. She quickly pushed the thought of it away and threw the jersey in her bed before changing out of the rest of her clothes which was practically nothing to a new outfit. She was ready for the day ahead. Or so she thought, until she went to the bathroom for a quick second and heavily gasped at the sight of her neck.

She leaned closer to the mirror, running her hands against the darker spots in her skin. "Christ Miguel!" She cursed under her breath. She was covered in hickeys. She stared at the marks for a few seconds longer before reaching over for her make up bag, pulling out a concealer and beginning to dab the substance into her skin, successfully covering up the love marks on her neck. Even her lips were slightly swollen from all that heavy kissing last night, but there wasn't anything she could do about that.

"How am I going to face anyone today...?" She muttered to herself, putting the concealer away and letting out a deep breath. She was beginning to feel anxious. She didn't have a concrete idea of what Miguel and her were. Were they a couple now? Friends with benefits? What was this? Another train of thoughts was pushed away, she couldn't think about that right now, she had other important things to think about...or something, considering her head was completely blank at the moment. Until her stomach began to growl in hunger and her mind was filled again, food.

With a new enthusiasm to fill her empty belly, she made her way out of the bathroom and out of the room. With every step she took, her waist and hips hurt but the pain became more manageable as time passed. She even started to walk a little wonky and funny, trying to find a way to walk in which her hips wouldn't hurt so much, but frankly, she looked like an idiot and decided to suck up the pain. This was her punishment for taking her boss' nine-incher. Jesus, Alicia.

The first stop for today was the cafeteria, at this point she was starving. She greeted all the spider variants that came in contact with her and got in line, awaiting for her meal before going to sit down in a rather empty table way, WAY at the back of the cafeteria. She plopped down in her seat and let out a heavy sigh, crossing her arms on the table and lowering her head on them. Aside from exhausted, hungry and dying of embarrassment she was debating how the hell she was going to face Miguel from here on out, and how their actions could implicate for their future.

Miguel O'Hara / Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now