Chapter 4

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Nueva York - Spider-Society HQ - 2102

1:37 am

The sun was long gone past the horizon and the moon was at its highest peak in the dark night sky, shinning its white light upon the city below.

The air outside in such a high altitude was cold, making any normal human that stood in an open space outside hard to breath.

But, this wasn't the case for Alicia. She was cozied up in her bed in her room, back over at her apartment in Manhattan. She had taken a few days of vacation to stay within the Spider - Society base, but now she had to return to work and back to her normal life, all without a confirmation or idea of what she and Miguel were. To say the least, it was complicated.


Lyla had been shut off, and with good reason so she didn't caught wind of what was happening inside Miguel's private room at HQ.

Soft pants could be heard across the room along with slight strained groans and stifled moans with the final addition of sheets shifting.

Everything was hot, his body was at an incredible high temperature and his heart felt like it wanted to burst out of his chest. He arched his head, the back of it hitting the pillow just below him. Miguel's hairline was moist and glistening, small droplets of sweat ran down from the sides of his temple and wet thin strands of his hair stuck to his skin.

The veins at the side of his temples were slightly swollen and more prominent than normal. He had no shirt on, having it previously tossed to the floor. The only piece of clothing that still remained on him, but loosely fitting was his black underwear that was pulled down just slightly to expose his aching, throbbing and hot member.

During the night, when Miguel was actually trying to get some sleep in, a dream visited him. One of Alicia that was.
They were having such a good time in that dream, then things began to get more intimate, one thing led to another and Alicia was laying down on his legs, happily pleasuring his member.

And that's the image that he had engraved in his mind right now. Of her beautiful rosy lips wrapped around the head of his manhood, watching her take him before pulling back and going back in to try to take him in more.

"Fuck...Mami..." A hoarse breath escaped his lips, pressing them tightly together. His wrist was doing all the work, but he already felt a slight aching feeling in his arm. He had been stroking his member for some minutes now, but he had been trying his best to prolong this activity.

He exhaled deeply, closing his eyes tightly as he continued to pump his shaft, adding pressure on his fingers when it came into contact with the head of his member. In his mind, Alicia had her lips around his head trapping it in her mouth and sucking on it. It felt heavenly. His body was burning up and tense. All the blood flow was gushing to that one spot between his legs.

Being a man his stature, at a whopping six feet with nine inches, his manhood was not a joke, it was something to be taken seriously. It was easily a 9 inches and the girth of around 3 inches. The veins of his member were pronounced and swollen, the tip of his head reddened and aching for release.

It was incredible what the human mind was capable of imagining in such ecstasy infused experiences. The imaginary version of Alicia had sat up and had her hand wrapped around Miguel's thick shaft, running her hand along it back and forth, pumping to make Miguel reach that final goal. "Like this...?" her soft voice spoke out to him, her eyes full of lust and hunger for him.

Miguel's toes began to twitch and curl as the pressure on the pit of his stomach began to have the best of him. "Sí...sí...coño, que rico..." The head of his shaft leaked with a clear like substance that he used to rub it fully into the rest of it. He was getting close. So close.

Miguel O'Hara / Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now