Chapter 3

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Nueva York - Spider-Society HQ -2101

It had been already 3 nights since alicia had stayed within the Headquarters of Spider Society. She stayed within a sector of the giant base that served for dormitories for those that wanted to stay the nights while other spider people were free to return to their respective dimensions.

By then, Alicia had met Jessica Drew, Gwen Stacy, Hobie Brown and Pavitr, a lovely and very colorful bunch to say the least.

Miguel had given her a specific watch. One that served as a gps to help her navigate around the base. She also had very restrictive and limited places in which she could go to, considering she was simply human and not a spider person, and the base was full of rooms and platforms and such to keep the spider people active and moving. It wasn't really designed for humans, but there were still sections in which Alicia could roam freely. Like the cafeteria and the lower levels of the lobby.

Many spider people had come up to her, offering her to shoot up webs from their shooters or from their wrist like Miguel's while others offered to give her piggyback rides while they climbed around or swung from area to another sector. But whenever that happened, Miguel always seemed to pop up behind some corner or pillar and give the spider people a threatening glare, in which case was the result of all of them backing out from their offers while Alicia remained oblivious.

That being said Miguel and Alicia hadn't had a chance to be in the same room together or alone. There was always something going on and the base was active with something to do.

Not only that, but Miguel was always busy, sending spider people to other dimensions to take care of anomalies or he went himself with Jessica on other anomaly missions that seemed more complicated, leaving Alicia with some spare time on her hands to get more acquainted with Margot in her tech-y workplace.

This was such the case as of right now. Miguel was on a mission with Jessica and Peter while Margot and Alicia joined forces to take care of Mayday for the evening.

"It's incredible how genetics work." Alicia suddenly mentioned, witnessing how easily Mayday crawled underneath some open spaced consoles, sticking to the metal like her hands and knees were made with adhesive. In which, in a way, they were. Everyone else here was bitten by a radioactive spider, but not Mayday, she was born with the genetics of a spider-person, and she was wasting no time in figuring out what she could do. Alicia admired the adventurous spirit the little girl had.

"So!" Spider-byte propelled herself from the console she had previously been in by her legs. Her chair spun around twirling towards Alicia's direction and stopping three feet away from her. "You know... we should throw a party." Margot said, a wide smile plastered on her face. Alicia looked up towards her, tilting her head slightly to the side, some of the strands of her hair following along. "A party? What for?" Alicia asked in return.

Margot shrugged her shoulders, "Just to hang out, eat food, get a dance party going. That sort of thing."

Thinking about it, it didn't seem like a bad idea. Alicia enjoyed social gatherings and parties were always nice. A party with spider people? Now that, she would most definitely pay to see that. "Okay. Let's do it!" Alicia reached down, picking up Mayday and settling the girl against her chest. 

Meanwhile in Earth-2002...

"Ay, por Dios! Ya me tienen cabreado con esta mierda!"

Smoke, dust and dirt made the air surrounding them thick, making it hard to breath without coughing up a fit for the civilians that were running to safety while large piles of concrete and debris flew overhead, crashing into the tall buildings at the sides of the road. The glass that had been shattered came falling down like rain into the pavement below.

Miguel O'Hara / Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now