Tough Times

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"Fuck!" I can't believe that I am going to be late again for work today. Mrs. Gills will have my head on a silver platter, she recently cautioned me last week that if I were to appear late three times out of the six days of work I would definitely be punished. A punishment I could not afford as I was struggling with my finances as is.
As I hastily prepared myself for a tough day ahead I allowed myself to doze off to the time where I lived in this fairy tale world, where I never had to worry about money, bills, food or anything for that matter. A time where I still believed in love and where I was loved by my best friend. Unknowing to me tears rolled down my cheeks as the memories with my father flooded my mind. The only person in the world who understood me and ensured to love and support me. I miss my dad. It's two years now and it still hurts, the annoying stabbing feeling in my chest that refuses to go away.
"Miea snap out of it!" A familiar silent voice said, there were times where I felt like I had my personal angel ensuring that I get through the day unscathed, reminding me of tiny details and ensuring that I would push through the day. But it was only my mind playing silly tricks on me. There was no one there.
I peered through the window of the university office building hoping that the place would be clear so that I could sneak in to pretend like I did not only now arrive. I thanked the lucky heavens when I noticed that Ms. Helen was not swirling around in her secretary chair and Mrs. Gills office looked closed shut. I quietly went in to begin my daily tasks and when I was asked what time I got here since I was not seen I gave a half ass story about deciding to target the classrooms and main washrooms today before cleaning up the office building. Mrs. Helen did not sound to convinced but she took the excuse and that's all I needed. Of course, I was cautioned to not do so again as I must clock in before starting off my day at work.

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