Chapter 18: Ain't No Club Like Fight Club: Part 1

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Asher: (Shouting) One Ninety!

About A Month Later...

North Western Side of Pentagram City, One of Leo's Fighting Arenas...

Asher: (Shouting) One Ninety-One! Come on! Ten more!

[A fair bit underground inside of one of the fighting arenas owned by the Demon Overlord known as The King, or his actual name Leo, is Asher shouting for some yet-to-be-determined reason. The large circular room which is usually filled to the brim with demons cheering on a fight is completely empty aside from a few of Leo's well-dressed Henchmen wearing full suits, boots, and white gloves patrolling the barren arena ensuring everything is in order. Most of them seem to be surveying the arena with pistols in hand while a few look to be holding some brooms sweeping up dirt, dust, cigarette butts, empty alcohol bottles, and a few other assorted objects into a pile. The lights that illuminate the arena are slightly dimmed, only the ones at the center of the arena lighting up the fighting ring are at full luminosity. Like the arena, the commentator booth above the fighting ring is also completely desolate along with the private observer booth across from it. Back down in the arena, one of the King's Henchmen seems a bit preoccupied as he leans against one of the upper railings of the spectator seats looking down at the spherical chained ring below. Whatever he's looking at seems to be keeping his interest pretty well.]


Asher: (Shouting) One Ninety-Two!

[A door squeaks open behind the Henchman leaning against the railing. The Henchman looks over his shoulder towards the door and sees another King Henchman standing in the doorway. The Second Henchman walks out of the doorway and lets the door swing close behind him.]

King Henchman 2: *Groan* Ugh...

[The First Henchman watches as the second one starts approaching him. The Second Henchman is rubbing his head around where the horns on his head are. Judging by the expression on his face he looks to be a bit in pain but doesn't seem injured.]

King Henchman 2: Are they still at it?

King Henchman 1: Yep...

[The Second Henchman walks up to the railing the First one is leaning on and leans against it as well. The two look downwards towards the center of the fighting ring.]

King Henchman 1: They've been at it for almost two hours now...

King Henchman 2: Fucking hell! I can hear them yelling all the way in the back rooms! It's starting to give me a damn headache!

Asher: (Shouting) One Ninety-Three!

King Henchman 1: It's Bruns who's been doing all the shouting since they started. Leatherhead has just been lifting weights while silently tolerating his obnoxious shouting.

[Down in the center of the arena, inside of the chain sphere surrounding the ring, is the arena champion Croc Leatherhead, and a newcomer fighter Asher Burns. They're both standing in the very center of the ring surrounded by dozens of dumbbells and weights of various shapes and sizes.

Both of them are wearing their fight club "outfits" which just consist of being shirtless with their normal pants and having bandages wrapped around their feet, hands, and arms. Asher's skin shines a tad bit under the beam of the lights above. It looks like he's been sweating a fair bit recently. Croc on the other hand doesn't appear to be sweating but his scales are reflecting a tiny bit of light. Oh, and in case I forgot to mention Asher is–]

King Henchman 2: Why the hell is he standing on the barbell?

King Henchman 1: I have no fucking idea...

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