Chapter 16: Cutthroat Competition: Part 4

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Bandana Demon: (Yelling) Kill 'em!

Asher: Nevermind! I was right the first time!

[All of the Demons that jumped out of the truck on the left raise their thompsons aiming at Asher and Jerry.]

Asher: Run away!

[Asher and Jerry immediately turn around and begin running in the direction of the two wrecked pickups. As soon as they raise their guns the Demons immediately begin to open fire on the two. Luckily, they seem to have piss poor accuracy as most of their bullets completely miss the two as they run away. The two quickly arrive at the wreck and are able to run around and behind it. Both of them get down behind it avoiding the flames on the wreck and the gunfire from the other demons. Asher reaches behind himself and draws his pistol. He looks at Jerry who's doing his best to stay behind cover and low to the ground.]

Asher: Have I ever mentioned how much I hate being right? No? Well if we survive this then it won't be the last time you hear me say it!

Jerry: Alright, I get it! You're annoying!

[More than a dozen bullets fly over the truck wreckage causing the two to get lower to the ground. Asher makes his way to the back of the truck and carefully peaks out of cover. He is able to see the multiple shooters still beside the pickup shooting at them. The other demons, including the drivers and Bandana Demon, are just standing around watching. Asher ducks back into cover and faces Jerry.]

Asher: Soooo... Do you have a plan or are we just gonna try whatever comes into our heads first?

[Jerry glares at him annoyed.]

Jerry: Do I look like I have a plan!?

Asher: You look like you're trying not to get shot.

[Some more bullets fly over the wrecked pickup and hit the metal just above Asher's head. He quickly ducks down to avoid getting shot.]

Asher: O-k that was close!

Jerry: I got nothing. What about you?

Asher: *Mumbling* Mmmmmmm...

[Asher turns back towards the back of the wreckage and carefully peeks out of his cover. The Demons shooting at the two continue to fire at them without fail. The other Demons who are holding bats and pipes appear to be shuffling around the two trucks beside the shooters. Asher then ducks back behind the wreckage and takes a look at his surroundings. All he can see is the two wrecked pickup trucks beside him, Jerry, and the miles of dead forest in front of him. He stares deep into the dead forest not being able to see anything beyond dead tree after dead tree. He pulls on the bandages around his neck loosening them a bit before looking back at Jerry.]

Asher: Alright, since you're an easy target and they don't seem to be running out of ammo–

[A bullet pierces through the metal of the wrecked pickup and flies right in front of Asher's face. Jerry's eyes widened a bit while Asher just blows out a puff of smoke from his cigarette. He then shuffles over to the back of the wreck.]

Asher: We need to do something pretty risky.

Jerry: How risky?

Asher: The kind of risk that puts you in more danger than me.

[Jerry gains a deadpan expression.]

Jerry: Of course...

Asher: Now, I need you to make a break for the woods and get out of sight. Once you're out of their vision you need to stay low and sneak around so you can get behind them and–! And uhhh– I don't know, shoot them?

Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellWhere stories live. Discover now