S1E9: The Black cat pirates attack

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(Intro ends)

We see the Black Cat pirates standing at the bottom of the hill as they were blocked by a singal person which is Y/n while holding his shotgun as he stared down at the pirates. The pirates were frozen in place in fear while among them, Jango sees everyone standing and he broke the silence.

Jango: What are you all waiting for?!

Black Cat pirate 1: But sir, don't you know who he is?

Black Cat pirate 2: The mask, the guns, the clothes. He's the legendary gunslinger that doesn't die. One of the most brutal and most intelligent people in the whole world.

Jango: I don't care who he is! Get up there before we are all dead! Hurry!

With no choice they charge towards Y/n while he stood there as we see he grab a grenade behind him which he tosses it towards them as the grenade was about to hit the ground only for Y/n to draw out his pistol and fire at the grenade.

The grenade blow up, sending the pirates back and fell down the hill and then stop at the bottom. Jango was shocked by this as Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Better leave this island right now pirates. If not, then you all are gonna die.

Jango was now nervous and couldn't believe he met such a dangerous man earlier when he first came to the island. Soon all the pirates get up and with Jango barking at them to keep going they did. Y/n shake his head and then he puts away the shotgun and pistol and then crack his knuckles.

Y/n: Alright then. Time to show you all what happens shen you mess with this island and me.

He then walk down and start taking on the pirates all by himself. He dodges blades, striking powerful blows, moving around and breaking their bones as he show them what he can do. This shocked Jango and never he see a singal man take on so many pirates on his own.

Soon he tossed the last pirate down the hill as the other pirates were down the hill as Y/n stared down at them while Jango was in rage by this. Then Luffy and the others arrived with Zoro arriving last breathing heavily as Y/n says.

Y/n: Your late.

Zoro: Well I would made it on time if someone (turn to Nami) Would have pushed me!

Nami: Not my fault it was only an accident.

Zoro: (angry) Oh shut up!

Luffy: Well maybe someone would have told us there was another hill that the pirates can climb up, our plan would have worked.

Usopp: Come on you can't blame me, how was I suppose to now!

Y/n: (thought) Are they seriously arguing about it right now?

Jango: You maybe strong gunslinger but it is time to pull up my trump card! All pirates listen up!

All of the Black Cat pirates turn as Jango pulled out his ring and swings it side to side while all of the pirates including Luffy watched as Jango tells them.

Jango: Once I counted to 3 you all will be unstoppable beast. One.....two.......three.

He snap his finger and there was silence and then all of the pirates all roared like beast and showing their amazing strength and power.

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