S2E15: The captain vs the Gunslinger

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(End intro)

Vivi is shocked that Y/n knows who she really is along with Miss Monday and Igaram however Mr Nine is shocked that Vivi is a princess. Then Vivi stood up and then ask him.

Vivi: (shocked) How can you possibly know who I am?

Then he reach into his pocket and then pulled out a picture of a young Vivi which he goes on to explain.

Y/n: When I was apart of the marines my men was talking about you and even show each other this picture. I took the picture and told them to get back to work. But I didn't throw it away but rather I kept it. I forgot about it that was until we first met. At first you look familiar and when I found this picture and out two and two together, that's when I realise Vivi and Miss Wednesday are the same people.

Mr 9: (immediately bows) Wow! So your really a princess!? Forgive!

Vivi: Stop that!

Y/n: My guess being Igaram and Miss Monday were in on this and wants to keep it a secret so you can be safe. But there is one question that needs to be ask....why would a princess be here and not in Alabasta? Unless something happened there right?


Igaram: (gets up) What do you care? Do you wish to bring Vivi to the boss?

Y/n: No. Even though we fought and you all try to harm my crew mates, I understand your doing this just to please your boss. So let's call it a truths

Mr Nine: A truths?! After everything we been through! We should just kill you right now!

Igaram: Wait!

Everyone look over to Igaram and then he ask Y/n.

Igaram: What is it that you want then?

Y/n: Simple. If your boss has something to do with Alabasta then I want to destroy it and free the country.

Vivi: (surprised) Really? Why? Why do this for us?

Y/n: Because if people are suffering and being enslaved....then it is my job to kill theor corrupt ruler and free it.

Miss Monday: I'm not sure about this.

Igaram:......You've shown to be a very skilled gunslinger. You took on 100 Bounty hunters and took us on. We've never encounter anyone like you in our lives. If you really wish to help us then so be it.

Y/n: Right.

Vivi: So now what?

Y/n: We'll get back to my crew mates and you all will explain the situation. Hopefully they may forgive you....except for Sanji, he'll forgive anyone who is a girl.

Mr Nine: Well we should get going. Who knows until they decided to sent mo-


Suddenly Mr Nine suddenly blows up costing everyone to be sent flying back and crash onto the ground. They look over to see Mr Nines body flying away and then splash into the river.

Vivi: Mr Nine!

Igaram: Oh no.

Y/n draws out his rifle and points at a man with sunglasses and a long coat with the number 5 on it. He picks his nose which Y/n find it disgusting but then Igaram warns him.

One piece x male reader: The legend of The Unkillable Gunslinger Where stories live. Discover now