S2E13: Welcome to Whisky Peak

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(Intro ends)

We find both Miss Wednesday and Mr Nine be splashed with water which cost the two to wake up. They look up and sees Y/n standing over them and fund themselves at the lower deck of the going Merry with their arms tied up and tie onto a wooden support as Y/n kneel down and tells him.

Y/n: Your lucky that I stop those cannon balls because if you would have harm Laboon then.....you two will not be alive.

Mr Nine: (scared) Th-Then why couldn't you just do that?!

Y/n: Because you two have answers and I want them now. So....who is your boss?

Miss Wednesday: We'll never say!

Y/n: Well then if you two refuse the talk then let's see what you two have.

He then starts with Mr Nine and looks through his pockets and pull out some unless items. But when he checks on Miss Wednesday he pulled out a compass like watch and ask.

Y/n: What is this?

Miss Wednesday: It's a log pose. It is a specialised type of compass. We use it to navigate the Grand line, without it you'll be good as dead.

Y/n: I see.

Mr Nine: However if you arrive on an island within the grand line it will take a while for the log pose to coordinate the magnetic fields.

Y/n: So we just have to wait so we can move to the next. In that case where is the closes island?

Mr Nine: That's all we have to say.

Y/n: Is that so? Alright then, guess I'll throw you off the ship then.

Mr Nine: (panic) Wait! Stop! Whiskey Peak! We'll make it here by day okay!

Y/n is quiet for a moment and then he stood up and said.

Y/n: If you two lie then we'll gonna have a serious problem. You two wait here while I have a chat with the rest.

He turns to leave when Miss Wednesday called out to him.

Miss Wednesday: Hold on a minute! Why do you care so much about that whale?!

He stop for a moment and he remembered what Crocus told him and then said.

Y/n: Laboon was promised by cared pirates that they will return but....they didn't came back. They never did. That whale bang himself against the walls of the Grand line in hopes to see his friends. He was injured and feel extreme pain. Why do you care?

She doesn't say nothing and so Y/n leaves and soon we see him getting off the going Merry and climbing up the steps to the rest. We see they got out of Laboon and Laboon is seen floating near them as he got up and sees the rest talking until Y/n came over.

Nami: So what did they say?

Y/n: A lot but this would help us.

He show then the Log pose which they look at each it as Y/h explains what it is which surprises them.

Luffy: (smile) Looks like we won't get lost at the Grand line.

Nojiko: Thank god for that.

Y/n hands the Log pose to Nami.

Y/n: Your our navigator so I feel it is best that you own this.

Nami: (Takes it) Thanks. Wish it was made out of gold.

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