One: Welcome Back

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One: This Summer...

I haven't been back to Cousins in three years

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I haven't been back to Cousins in three years. I couldn't face him after my confession. I think that would've been emotional. I ended up doing cheerleading which took up most of my summers so I couldn't really go to Cousins anyway. But this year, our coach is pregnant so our summer is free before school starts.

I'm scared of running into him if I'm being honest. I haven't even spoken to him since then yet I still wear the damn locket. I hate that I do but I can't let it go. It's been three years and I still feels so strongly about him. Silly. Even after three years of no contact my heart still lies with him.

I zip my suitcase after shoving the last pair of shoes in there and place it on my bedroom floor. "Gwen, load your things in the car!" My mom yells from down stairs. During my parents divorce, they agreed that summers would always be dads. Going to the beach house was the thing my sister and I looked forward too. So my mom said fine.

"Coming!" I yell back down

We don't drive like we use to. Mom doesn't trust Rory in a car for that long. So we fly and dad picks us up. I walk backwards down the stairs as my suitcases bumps each step. "Geez Gwen did you put your whole closet in there?" Mom jokes as she watches me struggle. "Four weeks of clothes, underwear, swimsuits, socks, and shoes in one suitcase. Why aren't you helping me?" I ask out of breath waiting on the fourth step before almost finishing the stairs.

"If you can throw girls in the air, you can get your suit case down. Now hurry up. Rory's already in the car."

Mom phone rings and lets out a loud groan. "Gosh. Your father keep blowing up my phone. Hello Matt." My mother answers. I finally reach the last step and wiggle my arms to get back the blood flow in my arms.

"Yes, Gwen is getting her things in the car and we're leaving. Of course i'll be there for the fourth. Okay, bye." She finally hangs up and rolls her eyes. "One thing I don't miss about your father is the way he overthinks. Like as if I would be the reason you two would miss your flight." I laugh at her and she shoves me out the door.

My stomach can't stop turning as we drive to the airport. I haven't been here for three years. Rory stayed too. Both of us haven't been back. I remember dad being upset about our schedules not letting us have a summer like we use to. 

On our way, Rory hooks up her phone to bluetooth since she was in the front. Rory and I have similar music taste I mean we're only two years apart. The first song she played was Lost by Frank Ocean which we all sang too. We were lucky to not hit traffic on our way because we were finally here after a thirty minute drive.

"Alright girls," My mom says placing my suitcase down. "I'll miss you both so much okay. Don't give your dad trouble and make sure if you go over to Susannah's help out. I also have a surprise for you guys." My mom has a big grin on her face that made my sister and I gave each a look.

Summer Child-Cam Cameron Where stories live. Discover now