Five: Remember When...

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This Summer...

Spending time in my room is my favorite summer activity

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Spending time in my room is my favorite summer activity. My room faces the pool and the beach and when the sun starts to set, it's the most beautiful thing to ever see.  Currently, my white sheer curtains hid the glistening sunlight from my room as I watched reruns of Full House on cable. I had a bag of Hot Cheetos and Pop Tarts on my side. I should be finding Jake Carter down at the pier but I just wanted to chill.

I was already ten episodes deeps before i realized I was out of snacks. I let out a loud groan and paused my show. When I walked passed the mirror, I was how much of a mess I looked. My hair frizzy and dried, i'm in my dad's old football shirt and Nike pros. "Yuck." I whisper to myself.

A shower is actually what I need instead of getting more snacks which will be the second thing I do today. But I could do both. I took a quick shower and got dress to go down the the corner market. My hair was slightly wet but it didn't bug me too much. I didn't want to wear makeup because I was just gonna lay back in bed. I put on a black tank top and light denim shorts and walked to the backyard to get my bike.

I couldn't drive there without my dad and Rory was out with friends. My pink beach cruiser was still in perfect condition. I guess dad kept up the maintenance while I was away. I closed the backyard gate and began pedaling towards market.

I had my airpods in listening to my own summer playlist that I made. As I was peacefully biking my way to the corner store, a beep brought me out of my little bubble. I moved over to the right so the asshole that honked at me could go but the car honked once more. I turned around to see Cam smiling in his car and waving. My heart beaded loudly in my chest as I pull on my breaks.

"Hey there Gwen." Cameron smiles as he stops next to me. "Hey, Cam." I gave him a tight smile. "You going to Sunny's Market?" He ask. I gave him a look wondering on he knew. I nodded to his answers and he stayed quiet for a bit. There was a second of awkward silence before he offered to drive me the rest of the way.

"It's only a couple minutes away. I'll be fine." I shrug before getting ready to pedal away. "It's okay Gwen. Please just let me drive you or i'll keep honking at you like a crazy person." His tone was joking but it was also stern. Arguing with him was useless because with his smile and charm, i'll do anything he asks. Cam popped his trunk and helped me place my pink bike in it.

"On a snack run?" He questions. My cheeks turn red as I nod. I haven't seen this boy in three years and he still knows me like the back of his hand. We were at the store in no longer than five minutes. Once we got into the store, I headed straight to the drinks. I grabbed myself a mango snapple and a blue gatorade. I seen Cam grab a red one and when we made eye contact with each other we laughed. "I guess we really haven't changed that much in three years." He smiles.

Summer Child-Cam Cameron Where stories live. Discover now