Seven: All-American Bitch

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This summer

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This summer...

My mom was finally coming down to Cousins and I couldn't wait to see her. Susannah and Laurel decided to pick her up which means I don't get to see her until we get to Susannah's house for the fourth of July party. Dad was at the store picking up some meat to bring over there. My parents are divorce but they're the type of divorce where they can actually stand the presence of each other. I'm lucky to have that.

I, on the other hand, have been texting Jake for the last few days. As much of a player he is, he's also very sweet and kind. He told me about how his parents travel a lot so he has to take care of his little brother and sister most of the time. And how he also got accepted in one of his top schools but it's too far from his hometown. He doesn't want to leave his siblings just in case something happens but he also really wants to go to this college.

I've never had someone be this personal with me other than Cam when we were little. Everything about Jake Carter is perfect but somehow my heart is still longing for someone else.

Rory get ready in my room to use the lighting in there. I stand in my closet wondering what to wear. I grab an white dress that had a thin white bow in the center and called it a day. "Ribbons today, Gwen?" Rory asked. I stare at the rolls I have on my desk. For three years I went without them but ever since I've came back, the ribbons did too. I grab the red ribbons and cut the length I wanted.

"It's not an outfit without them."

Rory smiles and stands by me in the mirror. "Since being here Gwen, I've notice how happy you become. Despite the drama between you and Cam. I haven't seen you in your own element in a while." She's right. Since coming here, it's like all the things I've been stressing about at home just slipped away since being here. I'm not worried about cheer try outs, the AP classes I'm taking next year, or facing Cameron because I got Jake Carter.

When we finished getting ready, dad was in the backyard grilling a few racks of ribs. He was in the most Dad outfit I've ever seen. A white t-shirt with a blue and white plaid button up and jean shorts. Thankfully he isn't wearing her sandals but white sneakers Rory and I got for his birthday. "These are just about finished, you girls ready?" Dad asks while placing the ribs in a big tin tray. Rory and I nod while helping him with the other two trays.

"Geez dad, I don't think we'll finish three trays of ribs."

Dad scoffs. "You can never have enough of Matthew's famous ribs. These babies go like hot cakes." Rory and I laugh as we got in the car. I stare out the window as I watch almost every house decorated with red, white, and blue. I didn't care for the actual holiday. I love the fourth because I get to see the people I love and pig out on barbecue food.

Summer Child-Cam Cameron Where stories live. Discover now