Eight: Knock Knock

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This summer

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This summer...

Sometimes, I think about the what could've been. Like what could've been my life if my parents were still married. What could've been my life if I never joined the squad. What could've been if Cameron told me how he felt when I confessed. Instead I'm in the the arms of another boy who I'm not entirely sure I want to be with. But I guess that's why it's a summer fling. Right?

All the debs are in dresses and heels as we get ready for another practice. Jake has been putting a lot of effort into this and I appreciate him. He's done some practice outside of this at the beach with me. Jake's amazing. But my heart isn't jumping when he admitting to me that's he's been trying. I feel terrible. Cameron's words are still hung up in my brain and now that I know he's done with Belly, I think about how I have a chance. But I can't do that to Jake. Not when I can see his full attention and investment into me.

"Looks like Belly doesn't have an escort." I hear Jake's voice say. I snap out my thoughts and look over at Belly standing with Nicole. "I thought Cam was her escort?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders. "He said she hadn't ask him." I replied.

Jake and I begin to practice our box step which we were pretty good at. "Wow, I guess all those practices you've been doing really paid off." I smiled at him. Jake slightly blushes and nods.

"Yea, my mom was also helping me out. She's who you should really be thanking."

"You seem distracted."

That's because I am.

"What? I'm fine." I tell him give him a shy smile. "It's just, since the fourth of July you seemed...distanced. Your texts are short, you seem in your head. Are you okay?" God, he was freaking analyzing me. "What? No. I think it's just this whole debate ball thing. I've never done any of this so it's new to me." I make up. Before he could psychoanalyze me further, Jeremiah had crashed the practice.

It distraction made Jake forget about my answer. Jeremiah had changed the music and start dancing around. Everyone started to gather around the dancing Fisher boy and cheered for him. Jake took out his phone to record and started to laugh with Steven. I turn my head to face Jake Carter one last time before I realized, my feelings for him were never there. I felt a hand touch my arm making me jump. I see Rory with her partner laughing at Jeremiah. "Susannah gonna laugh when she sees this." Rory giggles. I laugh along with her trying to seem perfectly fine because thats all I can focus on is being perfectly fine.

The rest of practice went smoothly. Jake and I got most of the steps but I've been in my head too much that he's noticed. Since he asked me if I was okay, he's been quiet as well. I don't blame him I mean, we're trying to see where this summer fling thing is even a summer fling and if not then what are we doing? He's going to college in the fall so maybe I'm just trying to save myself from a break up that waiting to happen or maybe my mind still lingers on the confession of someone I've been waiting for since I was like 10.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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