✪ Chapter-4 ✪

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Ademaro's POV:

It has been over three years since we received the news that Arianna is alive. Initially, it was a difficult situation, with the younger ones blaming us for not informing them, and everyone else doing their best to locate her. But eventually, it worked out, the younger ones finally forgave us for hiding it and all of started searching for her the best ways possible.

I can still vividly recall the sparkle in Callisto's eyes when he first laid eyes on her. He was overjoyed that his sister shared his eyes. I also remember how protectively Dante held her for the first time, as if she would be harmed with the slightest movement. The tears in Giovanni's eyes when he saw the triplets for the first time are etched in my memory. I can still see the happiness on Aurelio and Luca's faces as they looked at them, realizing they were now big brothers. That day, our entire family was filled with joy. However, our world shattered when we believed Arianna was gone.

I only hope she is safe and doesn't hold any resentment towards me for not reaching out to her sooner. I hope she will accept us.

During these three years, we discovered that it was my wife who took away my princess.She was the one who offered the doctor money for announcing her death while she kidnapped my daughter right below our noses. She was never a good mother or wife, but I still respected her maybe even loved her but that was till she decided to leave a few hours after giving birth to the triplets. She left the hospital with divorce papers and a note stating that she never loved me and had fallen for someone else. She claimed she was leaving with him and that I could take care of our children on my own since she never wanted them. It's true, she never desired to have kids and always prioritized her work. I was the one who essentially raised all my boys, but she was still present at times just enough for my kids to know that she was their mother. I still can't comprehend why she took Arianna if she never wanted her. I can only hope she treated my daughter with the love and care she deserved.

She is married to a man named Nikolai Winston, who seems to have numerous underground connections as well. Over the past three years, they have relocated approximately seven times, always managing to evade us just as we are about to find them. Just last week, they relocated once again, but this time I am determined to catch up to them before they can move again.

Today, I discussed the situation with some of our allies, and they have agreed to assist us. I hope their help will finally lead us to her.

Upon returning home, an eerie silence hung in the air, which was highly unusual considering how active our youngest children usually are. I brushed it off, assuming they were tired or perhaps some of them were not at home.

During dinner, I noticed that all of them appeared nervous, shocked, and oddly happy. It was a strange combination, but I figured they must have gotten into some trouble at school or something.But i don't think they would be worried about that considering that we kind of own the school

However, when they informed us that they had found her, I couldn't believe it. But If my sons say it is her, then it must be true. Nevertheless, we need to gather more information to be certain. I just hope it is her because I cannot bear to be separated from my princess any longer.

I picked up my phone and dialed the principal's number, placing it on speaker and placing it on the table.

It rang for about a minute or thats what it felt like.Why is he taking so long to answer?

"Hello, Mr. Bernardi, is something wrong? Did someone bother the young masters?" he answered.

"No, it's not that. I heard that you admitted a student mid-term on scholarship, and I wanted to discuss her," I said, rubbing my temples.

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