✪ Chapter-6 ✪

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Arianna's POV:

Hahaha. Life really hates me doesn't it ? Fate always enjoys playing games with me, and she never fails to be cruel.

That's all I could think of as I stared at the DNA test in my hand. Before this, I held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping that maybe it was all just a coincidence and I didn't share any connection with him. But this test changes everything.

The man I once respected, the person I idolized, turned out to be someone I despise. The man who once saved me turned out to be the reason I once contemplated ending my own life.

But maybe he had his reasons?

"Dad, is something wrong? I heard you were here. Is someone hurt?" a man in wearing a doctor's coat said as he walked in, his voice trailing off when he noticed me. He froze for a second and then came towards me and hugged me tightly, making it hard to breathe. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn't. It was like I was in a trance,he was pouring so many emotions in that one hug that I couldn't push him away.However, I didn't hug him back either. It had been so long since someone embraced me with such emotion.

"That's not fair, I wanted to hug her first," I heard someone whine. I think it was the boy who is always with Salvatore. They must be twins.

"Giovanni, let go of her. You're suffocating her," my "father" said. Giovanni, the person who was hugging me, finally released me. I looked into his eyes and froze. His eyes held so many emotions, but the one that stood out the most was love and care. I couldn't bear to look into his eyes any longer, so I turned away.

I noticed someone kneeling in front of me and looked up to see my father. It's such a foreign term to me. I've never had a father. My stepfather was never interested in being a father to me, and he made that abundantly clear with his glares and lack of attention. Now that I have found my biological father, I bet he wants nothing to do with me. He's probably just here for something he needs. So, I won't let those kind, loving looks he's giving me get to me. I won't accept him as my father.....never.

It doesn't seem like I am his legitimate daughter anyway. After all, he has so many sons. I bet his wife doesn't want me in their lives, so he's just here to make sure I don't claim any rights to his properties or businesses in the future . I don't care; I just want this to end quickly so I can go back home and forget about this. I hope I'll be able to forget him, forget the fact that I saw my father.

Suddenly, someone grabs my hands and I look up to see my father. He asks me if I believe him now, using a soft voice as if he's talking to a scared, wounded animal. "Princess," he calls me, something I wanted to be called by my father until I was five. But now, I have changed. He is too late. Why does he have to do this? Why is he acting like he cares? This is only going to mess with my mind. Why doesn't he just get it over with, take what he wants, and leave me alone?

I barely nod my head.

"Finally, I can introduce myself," I hear the boy who is always with Salvatore say. I look up at him, and he comes to me enthusiastically, saying, "I am Ezio, your triplet along with Salvatore. I can't even tell you how much we missed you, and I am so happy you're finally back."

The only word that registers in my head is "triplet." I look at him in shock.I am a triplet??Is that why i felt a connection when i first saw them

But wait, they were with him all this time. He chose to keep them, but he threw me away. Ha! I was right. I had always hoped that my father didn't want me because of some issue, that one day he'll come back to take me with him . Maybe he regretted it, maybe he never meant it. But as I looked at both of my triplets, all my hope shattered. If he wanted me, he would've taken me like he took those two. He just never wanted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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