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Dr Claymore was just walking back home after visiting his student, Hannah Vee Hunter and her two sons. He was passing by, so why not visit them.

He was thinking about Hannah's elder son. Is it wrong to assume him to be my creation? After all if not for me he would have been different, Dr Claymore thought to himself.

That was when he noticed someone following him. How many are following me? he thought as he quickened his pace. After another glance to the back he guessed at least three people were following him. He turned into an alley. He stops and turns around. It's better to fight then to run, he thought as he pulls back the sleeve of his shirt. He tapped two of the many runes on his hand. The runes which he tapped turned black and seemed to be absorbed into his skin. Then he waited for his enemies.

The stalkers stepped into the alley. Surprised flickered over their faces before they regained their composure. He enjoyed the look on their faces."Why hello gentlemen. he said to the stalkers.


Liam Hunter felt very angry at himself and his wife. First of all he should not have left her and his kids alone. Secondly Hannah should not have invited strangers into the house while he is not there (especially when the stranger is the most feared man in Pandemonium).

He was surprised when he saw Dr Claymore going out of his house. Luckily two of his best commander in the pack, Mark and Diablo, had just followed him home to talk about the rival pack. He decided the best thing to do was to follow him. He was surprised when he turned into the alley to see Claymore waiting for them. Shit, he thought .Claymore must have masked his presence. Well no worries, he thought to himself. It's three against one.


Dr Claymore quickly assessed his situation. He was facing two third generation werewolf and one second generation werewolf. He smiled in his heart.

I can beat them, He thought to himself. Maybe he should not have call upon his minion. But then again it will be interesting to see his minion fight them.

One of the third generation werewolves stepped forward. He realized he was the man he was avoiding every time he visits Hannah's house. Liam Hunter stepped forward and said "What were you doing in my house".


"Nothing much, just visiting my creation" Dr Claymore said smugly. "What creation" I snarled back at him. "What did you plant in my house?" "Nothing" he answered back looking at me with an innocent look on his face as if he was an angel. Yeah right, I thought. This is the most ruthless man in Pandemonium. He wouldn't stop at anything to get to his goal. I was about to order my men to attack Dr Claymore to force him to tell me what creation he was talking about when I heard strangled cries behind me.

I spun around to meet a horrifying scene. Gigantic octopus tentacles were wrapped around Mark while metal claws had been stabbed into Diablo's gut. Before they had time to morph, three things happen all at once. The tentacles wrapped around Mark crushed him starting and ending his scream of pain quickly, the metal claws in Diablo's gut twisted and was ripped out and a bullet was shot into his own leg.


Dr Claymore smile in his heart when he saw his minions, Twist and Trap, emerged from the shadows behind his stalkers. Then Twist reached out with his tentacles and wrapped it around the third generation werewolf. In the same time Trap stabbed his metal claws into the second generation werewolf stomach.

When they both cried out in pain Mr. Hunter turns his back on Dr Claymore. At once Dr Claymore silently slid out his revolver fill with special bullets made especially for these kinds of creatures. Then Dr Claymore proceeds to shoot Mr. Hunter's leg while he was distracted and surprise.


I crumpled and smacked my face onto the floor. As I try to rise from the floor I felt a burning sensation on my leg. It was not burning as if it was set on fire (which would be how it felt if the bullet had been made of silver) it was burning as if someone had splashed acid on my leg. The bullets must have been made with demonic properties.

As Mark and Diablo bodies fall, he caught sight of the demons that had killed them both. The one behind Mark had a torso off an eel and from the waist up it has a body of a muscular man. He has a skin of an eel (including the upper body) and he does not have hands or anything by the side of the upper body. Instead, it has ten gigantic tentacles sprouting out of its back. He is the size of a full grown man and child.

The one behind Diablo was the same size though that is where all similarities end. He had the body of a man although he had the head of a snake. He was very furry and his left hand looks as if it was made out of metal. Then the realization hit him. It was made of metal the same one which was in Diablo's gut when he was killed. His other hand looks furry and ended with real claws. He had a broadsword strapped to his back. Other than that he could have passed as human.

I twisted around even though my leg which had been shot hurts a lot worse because of moving. I glared at Dr Claymore and cursed him. He asked me "Did you know what mistake you made?" I ignored his question and try to morph. "No use" he told me when I have unsuccessfully try to morph. "Demonic properties" he answered to my unasked question confirming what I thought.

"ANSWER ME" he said more forcefully and louder. I felt the poison from the bullet coursing through me as I answer "I should not have turned my back on you". "Correct. Unfortunately you will never learn from your mistake." He jovially said as he raised his gun to my head and pulled the trigger.

I heard the noise first. Then a split second latter a bullet enters my head. As I fell to the ground, the surrounding around me spin out of control. And I fell into the comforting embrace of death.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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