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Ken is trying to find Eleanor, but as Barbie, Raven, Lou, Sofia, and Troy are at the bus stop, Ken sees that Eleanor is here

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Ken is trying to find Eleanor, but as Barbie, Raven, Lou, Sofia, and Troy are at the bus stop, Ken sees that Eleanor is here.

"Elle!, are you okay?" Ken asked Elanor in a whisper.

"Yea, I'm okay, it's a long st-" but Eleanor cut off by Ken.

"Yea, me too, well, all of us, except you, just got ourselves arrested for assault and stealing, but I'm happy that we didn't get arrested again if you are here, but thinks that we all kidnapped you and Troy had to deal with harassment by the cops." Ken said to Eleanor.

Eleanor was getting it of what Ken talks about but is confused about the last part, "What?"

"Never mind, but I got a job!" Ken said in excitement.

Eleanor get excited too, but unknown to her and Ken, they hear a voice to one of the group.

"Ken!, we find the-" Lou said to Ken, but she stopped as she saw Eleanor here too.

Lou didn't even know how Eleanor got here but thought that Troy did it as she grabbed Troy and angrily looked at him.

"What?" Troy asked Lou

Lou let Troy see Eleanor is here, Eleanor gave him a nervous wave, and Troy signed.

"Elle, what are you doing here?" Troy asked Eleanor.

"I want to help." Eleanor answered.

"No, it's not, Eleanor, mostly in those bumblebee tights." Troy said as he pointed to Eleanor's tights.

Eleanor gave Troy and Lou a puppy. Her eyes looked as if she felt sorry for doing it. Lou can't help but feel bad for Eleanor of what she wants to do and hug Eleanor.

"Eleanor, we will talk about it later, but I just know where the girl is." Barbie said to Eleanor in a nice way.

Eleanor nodded.

As the gang went to the school, where the girl, Sasha, is at, Raven looked at the school and said to his friends. Raven doesn't know why the gang is gonna go inside the school as young adults.

"Guys, there is no way we are going to the school and talking to the girl. We are young adults." Raven said to the group.

"Yea, but for you, Sofia and I are gonna pretend to be your parents in this school." Troy said to Raven.

Raven rolled his eyes as the gang walked to the school.

The gang walked around the hallways of the school, confused about what was going on, that is until Barbie saw Sasha, but one kid stopped her.

"Sorry, you can't talk to Sasha." The kid said to Barbie.

"Sasha?" Troy asked, but the kid pointed to Sasha, who is talking to her friends and doing their assignments.

"Well, it just something important that we need to tell her." Eleanor said to the boy.

"Okay, but I had to warn you, Sasha is mean when it comes to new people she talks to." The boy nervously said to Eleanor.

Troy chuckled a bit, "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad."

The boy nodded and let the gang go to talk to Sasha. Sasha sees six people here but can't help but think of why those people dressed weird, mostly to Eleanor outfits.

"Hi!, are you Sasha?" Sofia asked Sasha.

"Yea?, so?" Sasha said to Sofia, but in a rude way.

"Well, I will tell you something, but I'm Barbie!, and my friends, Ken, Lou, Troy, Sofia, Raven, and Eleanor." Barbie said to Sasha as she pointed to her friends of their names.

Sasha, see this and get very annoyed by Barbie looks of it, mostly of her pink cowboy outfits.

"Okay, 'Barbie', but why are you doing here with your weird friends." Sasha asked Barbie.

"Well, I know that Lou and Barbie are dealing with something, but I was wonder if you are the one play with me, but as a doll and didn't play me and Lou any more." Barbie said.

Sasha figured out now, "Oh yea, my friends, and I don't play Barbie dolls anymore and think that they are boring, right guys?" Sasha asked her friends.

"Yea." One girl said.

"Yea, those dolls are boring now when we are teens now." Another girl said.

"Well, I do." The third girl said.

Sasha rolled her eyes and continued to Barbie, "Well, I gonna said, but I just hate of the look that you are wearing, all pink and glittery, that's just ridiculous, you fashioned."

Barbie gasped of what Sasha just called her, which makes Sasha turn to Lou, Troy, and Sofia.

"With that, what is hell is Archie, Betty, and Veronica doing here, where they dress as 70's outfits, what you three dress as?, hippies?, well, that gone too soon, even Mr. Princess right here." Sasha said.

Lou and Sofia were shocked by what she said, which made Troy try to attack her, but both Lou and Sofia pulled him back.

"Okay, this is just ridiculous, but I think you are very mean to us, and that is not very nice." Eleanor said to Sasha.

"Yea, good point, but why are you wearing a sweater where it's the summer day, and the way you dress like a child, that is just sad, what are you?, some crazy lady with stripes socks?" Sasha asked Eleanor in a mean way.

Eleanor felt heartbroken as she quickly left with Lou running behind her, heartbroken as well, but angry of how a jerk Sasha was.

"Guys!" Sofia yelled as she, Troy, Ken, Barbie, and Raven, followed.

The boy signed and turned to Sasha, "Try to warn them."

MAMMA MIA (A Barbie X DJATS AU Apply fic)Where stories live. Discover now