Chapter 8

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Kokyu was blushing and she couldn't remember the last time she felt this type of embarrassment.

She quickly turned from her laughing son to the now irritated looking man.

"That's not to say that you're not a great teacher. I'm sure that you're a great teacher. I'm just surprised. It's been a long time." She said as she looked over the mature face. The scruff that lined his jaw that was now more angular with the loss of his baby fat.

His hair probably hadn't been cut but maybe a few time in the last 15 years and it had a few strands that hung over his face. A face that bore the scars of a hero that fought hard. The wounds that Kokyu could only assume were soul deep.

"I'm sorry. Do we know eachother?" The man's face was now unreadable and the very question broke her teenage heart.

Her son would just calmed down bites his lip at the situation. Jeremy could almost feel the second hand embarrassment. To be fair his mother did say that the third years didn't pay attention you any of the other hero classes.

But it still had to feel a bit like rejection to hear the words in person. He watched as his mother shook her head as if the shake was going to dust off the red blush.

"I'm sorry. I'm Kokyu Thorn and your were my senpai a long time ago." Kokyu places her hand on Jeremy's shoulder, "I had mentioned to Jeremy in the past how I had thought you were a great Senpai and would make a great hero." Saying the words aloud was both humiliating and freeing, "But it would be presumptuous of me to assume that I know you." She turns away from Aizawa to Nezu. "Today is about disciplinary action for Jeremy."

"Yes." Principal Nezu turns to Jeremy, "Start from the beginning." The mammal stated as he pushed a book across the desk.

Kokyu saw the familiar yearbook and dropped her hand from her son's shoulder. She already knew where this was going.

Aizawa was leaning against the wall again watching the mother and son. Their interactions were by far a healthier dynamic then the last one that was in the room.

He eyed the woman who said that she vaguely knew him. He didn't feel bad about not knowing her or remembering her. But if he thought hard enough he could remember pink hair. Maybe.

"I walked into the classroom and Itsuki was showing the class the yearbook." The room waiting for the boy to continue.

"He was making comments about my mother in the book."

"What kind of comments?" Nezu pressed.

Aizawa watched the boy slouch into the seat, "The she was hot."

"That couldn't have been what would have angered you enough to start a fight." Nezu turned to the first ripped page.

Aizawa didn't pay attention to the yearbook with the Itsuki family but now he was curious. The first one was of Thorn's mother as a teenager in her hero uniform. The hero name Thornado in the caption. It was familiar but Aizawa also didn't want to be caught observed too closely.

Nezu turns to the next ripped page, he did recognize the two heroes standing with the woman's younger self. Takashita patrolled the nearby area and the other woman was Shino Sosaki, Mandalay who was part of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats.

Kokyu felt a stab of the symbolic pain of the rip separating herself and her two childhood friends. She turned to Jeremy waiting for him to speak.

"Thorn." Nezu nudges the boy to talk.

"He said that she lost her career because of me." He said the words quietly but they all heard the words.

"Jeremy." Kokyu said his name softly.

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